The GLPC Blog

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Rhizomes: Getting to the root of it all

Non-native Phragmites australis is known for being difficult to eradicate once established in an area. But what makes it such a problem invader? Part of it has to do with the grass’ extensive and hardy root and rhizome system. In this post, we go into what the rhizome system is and why it is a key component of Phragmites management.

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More options available for receiving PAMF management guidance

Each August, PAMF participants receive effective and efficient Phragmites management guidance customized for each management unit (MU) enrolled in PAMF. This guidance is based on our most updated model learning and the MU’s current site conditions. However, this timeframe may not be ideal for managers that need to make management planning decisions earlier in the year. To provide greater flexibility in using PAMF guidance to inform decision making, PAMF is now offering two new options in addition to August guidance: 1) request mid-cycle forecasting guidance, or 2) implement guidance after a lag year. Continue reading to learn more!

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2018/19 PAMF participant feedback!

As we reach the end of Phragmites translocation phase and the start of the dormant phase, it’s a good time to take a moment to celebrate the things that we’ve accomplished this past year and reflect on those things that maybe did not go quite as we planned. This is a time to both plan for the coming year, repeat our successes, and to adjust for the 2020 field season to do it all again!

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Tips for submitting high-quality data

PAMF uses data collected by its participants to update the learning model in order to provide efficient and effective Phragmites management guidance. Ensuring that data are collected in a standardized format is critical to providing high quality guidance. Check out our tips for reporting the best possible data to avoid some common mistakes when you submit your next monitoring and management reports!

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