The GLPC Blog
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Research Round-Up: Summer 2022
What Phragmites research was published in Summer 2022? Check out out our newsletter summary! To receive these monthly summaries in your inbox, sign up for our newsletter.
What makes the non-native lineage of Phragmites so successful compared to the native lineage?
Have you ever sat there and wondered “what makes non-native Phragmites australis such a successful invader?” or “how does the non-native lineage differ from the native species?” Dive into this blog post to find out!
Management guidance: Where does it come from and what do I do next?
If you are a PAMF participant, then congratulations! You’ve received data-driven management guidance for the 2018/19 PAMF cycle! Here we tell you what we really mean by “data-drive” and help you in your next steps of implementing the guidance you received!
Friend of Phrag: Secondary invasion by European Frog-bit
Learn about the association between invasive European Frog-bit and Phragmites management, as well as Frog-bit’s inclusion in annual PAMF monitoring.
Hybrid Phragmites australis in North America
Kristin Saltonstall, Bernd Blossey. The lack of evidence for hybridization between native and introduced Phragmites australis in North America has puzzled researchers for over a decade. The two lineages are found together over the entire range of native P. australis subsp. americanus and have overlapping flowering periods, yet only isolated cases of hybrids have been identified.