Are you currently managing or planning to manage Phragmites within the Great Lakes basin or in neighboring watersheds within Great Lake States or Provinces? If so, consider participating in the PAMF and do your part to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Phragmites management.

How to Join:

  • Sign up for a (virtual) PAMF training course and/or receive a free PAMF monitoring kit (pictured above) by emailing the PAMF coordinator at
  • Create an account on the PAMF Web Hub (for instructions watch this helpful video)
  • Enroll a management unit with PAMF
    • PAMF is now able to loan Garmin GPS units for FREE to those who need them! Email for more info. 
  • Begin following the annual PAMF participation cycle
Who can join PAMF?

This program is designed to learn from a range of stakeholders implementing different Phragmites management techniques within a variety of site conditions.  Anyone managing Phragmites in the Great Lakes basin can join PAMF.

Participation in PAMF requires access to one or more locations where Phragmites is growing.  For this reason, PAMF participants are typically:

  • land managers working on public land
  • land conservancies
  • non-profit organizations
  • industry and businesses controlling Phragmites on private land
  • consulting companies providing Phragmites management services
  • roadside managers
  • teachers and students looking for learning opportunities and standardized data collection protocols
  • land owners interested in science-based treatment guidance
Why join PAMF?

  • Receive site-specific management guidance based on the best current knowledge
  • Standardized monitoring protocol, scalable to different management areas
  • Receive annual summaries of your site’s progress
  • Contribute to the development of site-specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be shared across the Great Lakes basin and throughout North America
  • Access a free database to store all Phragmites related information that is accessible from anywhere, at any time
  • Opportunities for additional collaboration with Phragmites managers in your area
What does it mean to be a PAMF Participant?

The PAMF Participation Cycle consists of three annual steps: enrolling, monitoring, and managing. Annually, the cycle only requires an additional 3-5 hours of work for Phragmites managers. The image to the left depicts this cycle and details the time of year during which each step takes place. As indicated by the light blue outer circle, enrollment can occur anytime of the year. Each management unit (MU) only needs to be enrolled once, but you may enroll additional MUs each year. Monitoring then takes places every July in each MU, highlighted by the darker blue section at the bottom of the gear. Corresponding to Phragmites’ three biological phases, management occurs during three phases throughout the year – translocating, dormant, and growing (shown in yellow, white, and green, respectively). Lastly, PAMF participants submit their reports by the August 1st deadline and receive management guidance in mid-August, as shown in red in the figure. To learn more about the steps involved in participating in PAMF please read through the PAMF Participant Guide.



Anyone managing non-native Phragmites in the Great Lakes basin can participate in PAMF. Click the button below to get started! 


Please contact: Samantha Tank, Great Lakes Commission at