Characterizing Past and Modelling Future Spread of Phragmites australis ssp. australis at Long Point Peninsula, Ontario, Canada
Jennifer A. JungEmail author Daniel Rokitnicki-Wojcik Jonathan D. Midwood Abstract Non-native Phragmites australis ssp. australis (hereafter Phragmites) is well-established and spreading at the Long Point Peninsula. It is threatening biodiversity, making it a high... Continue ReadingFiled under: boosted regression tree National Wildlife Area Phragmites spatial analysis spread

Survey Results: Phrag Phriday Reboot
June 30, 2017, Great Lakes Commission Phrag Phriday is a weekly newsletter that has been bringing Phrag updates to subscribers since December 2015. We know that this newsletter can be a helpful resource for the Phrag community. To determine what’s most helpful... Continue ReadingFiled under: GLPC

Phragmites-attacking scale insect found in Mississippi
June 22, 2017 – Great Lakes Commission As we previously reported, a scale insect has been preying on multiple genetic types of Phragmites in coastal Louisiana. This week Fish and Wildlife Service staff observed the insect on Phragmites stalks in the city of Pas... Continue ReadingFiled under: Roseau cane scale insect

Experts trial monitoring protocol at adaptive management workshop
May 30, 2017 On May 25th -26th a workshop was held to review the Phragmites Adaptive Management (PAMF) monitoring protocol. During the workshop, members of the PAMF Technical Working Group reviewed and discussed the monitoring protocol and attended a field trip for a... Continue ReadingFiled under: monitoring PAMF
Bi-national Phragmites researchers to share successes in Detroit
This week at the International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) conference, researchers from the United States and Canada will host a session focused on invasive Phragmites. The session spans two days and will feature presentations on collaborative... Continue ReadingFiled under: Conference IAGLR Research

New webinar recording: Gulf Coast Phragmites attacked by non-native insect
May 1, 2017 The following is a summary of notes made by Great Lakes Commission staff while viewing the webinar “Roseau cane in Louisiana,” presented by Louisiana State University researchers on April 27th.These notes are provided as a summary of key points... Continue ReadingFiled under: Bio-control Roseau cane

GLPC lauded as innovative approach during Capitol Hill seminar
March 3, 2017 Dr. Kurt Kowalski of USGS traveled to Washington, DC this week to present on “Innovative Controls for Common Reed (Phragmites) in the Great Lakes Region.” The presentation was part of a Capitol Hill seminar focused on “innovative... Continue ReadingFiled under: Capitol Hill National Invasive Species Awareness Week Presentation Washington DC

Great progress on Common Agenda at GLPC workshop
February 3, 2017 A group with diverse skills and jurisdictional representations made excellent progress at a Phragmites workshop this week. The workshop was held at the US Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center and focused on development of a Common Agenda for... Continue ReadingFiled under: Collective Impact Common Agenda Workshop