Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative


The Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative (PSC) is an initiative to foster communication and collaboration among researchers studying the potential of soil microbes and endophytic bacteria to target non-native Phragmites



The Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative (PSC) is a small group of scientists studying plant-soil symbioses and is facilitated by the Great Lakes Commission and US Geological Survey. This group aims to improve cooperation and collaboration among scientists, advance knowledge on how endophytic communities could be used to manage invasive Phragmites australis, and inform restoration strategies for native plant species following Phragmites management. The PSC has convened meetings and published a science agenda in Frontiers in Microbiology.

The PSC represents a unique and exciting opportunity for leading scientists involved in plant-fungal interactions to collectively examine one of the most threatening invasive plants in North America.

The Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative has formed as a small group of scientists focused on plant-fungal symbioses, convened meetings, and have published a science agenda in Frontiers in Microbiology. The science agenda outlines research priorities and focuses on ways to improve the management of non-native Phragmites.

Understanding the plant microbiome

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is fmicb-06-00095-g0001.jpg

Schematic of microbiome surrounding a plant throughout its life history. UL: Endophytic fungi and bacteria can be transmitted within the seed coats of certain plant species. UR: As seeds germinate, roots, stems, and leaves of seedlings can be inhabited by various microbes. Those microbes may have been transmitted through seeds, soil and plant litter on site, or airborne spores. LR: A mature plant may be thoroughly infected with microbes. LL: As perennial plants senesce, some endophytes are transmitted to the next generation through seeds or through living rhizomes. Other microbes may be transmitted through spores in the plant litter. Credit: Kowalski et. al 2015.

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Science Agenda

Science agenda Tasks
Microbial inventory (a) Gather data on the composition and transmission method of epiphytic and endophytic microbes associated with Phragmites populations
  (b) Determine the variation of the Phragmites microbiome in time and space (e.g., within a stand, by site) or time (e.g., over plant life cycle, age of Phragmites stand)
  (c) Explore the relevant pathogenic microbes in Phragmites communities and interactions that may exist with mutualistic microbes
  (d) Characterize the microbiomes of target native plant species to determine if there is a common core group of taxa from which to explore their significance in a probiotic management approach
  (e) Determine variation in native species microbiomes in space, by species, or by growth stage to allow some predictive patterns that may inform the timing of a manipulative strategy
  (f) Compare the endophytic communities of invasive Phragmites to that of native Phragmites
Benefits of microbes (a) Test the plant response of Phragmites when inoculated by particular microbe or set of microbes
  (b) Determine endophytes that impact growth rate, biomass production, tolerance to stress, or other characteristics that may provide a competitive advantage
  (c) Assess the impacts of inoculants on Phragmites’ competitive abilities
  (d) Determine the impact of Phragmites-associated pathogens on native plant communities
  (e) Identify particular microbes associated with Phragmites or with native plants that increase the relative competitiveness of native wetland species in the presence of Phragmites
  (f) Identify individual microbes or microbial consortia that impact plant developmental pathways (e.g., nitrogen-fixing bacteria)
Targeting relationships for control (a) Test microbial sensitivities to inhibitors (e.g., fungicides or antibiotics)
  (b) Determine the selectivity of microbial inhibitors for particular groups microbes
  (c) Test endophyte sensitivity to treatments with limited environmental impact
  (d) Determine the competitive outcomes of Phragmites with native plants following the elimination or suppression of selected microbes
  (e) Determine competitive outcomes of Phragmites with native plants with the inoculation of mutualistic microbes or with the elimination or suppression of pathogens (f) Explore mechanisms that underly reductions in Phragmites competitiveness
Test control methods (a) Analyze considerations for scaling up to landscape-level application of microbial-based control methods
  (b) Perform analysis for appropriate regulatory bodies and involve regulators in discussions and planning
  (c) Determine impacts of microbial manipulations on non-target species
  (d) Determine the direct environmental impacts of the method of manipulation (e.g., fungicide, boric acid)
  (e) Assess costs associated with microbiome manipulation management strategies
  (f) Explore optimal management efficacy at short- and long-term time scales
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Collaborative Vision and Objectives


The  Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative (PSC) is an initiative to foster communication and collaboration among researchers studying the potential of soil microbes and endophytic bacteria to target non-native Phragmites. The PSC consists of a small group of scientists who study plant-fungal symbioses and is facilitated jointly by the Great Lakes Commission and US Geological Survey.


The USGS is interested in supporting research that advances the use of symbiotic control mechanisms for invasive plants, specifically invasive Phragmites. To facilitate this research and support the research of others in this field, the USGS and GLC have initiated the Collaborative for Microbial Symbiosis and Phragmites Management. The Collaborative will bring together researchers from different organizations to maximize the outcomes of individual research projects, build upon successes and breakthroughs of its members, provide input on future research and management strategies, and use expertise of individual members to collectively attack a significant wetlands management issue in the Great Lakes, along the marine coasts, and across the landscape. The Collaborative will advance research associated with endophytes and invasive species and explore the potential to use symbiotic relationships both to control invasive Phragmites and encourage native plant establishment. 

The objectives of the PSC are to:

  1. Establish the current state of the science and identify significant research gaps
  2. Develop a vision document or agenda to guide future research
  3. Provide support for research projects (e.g. supplemental funding, labor, infrastructure) to address the most pressing research needs, and
  4. Maximize collective progress toward an integrated Phragmites-control and habitat restoration strategy founded on microbial symbiosis relationships

By bringing together researchers from different organizations, the PSC aims to maximize the outcomes of individual research projects, build upon successes and breakthroughs of its members, provide input on future research, and collectively explore the potential to use symbiotic relationships in soil to control invasive Phragmites and encourage native plant establishment.

Active members


Dr. Kurt Kowalski

USGS – Great Lakes Science Center


My work differs from that of many other scientists because, although I am a Research Wetland Ecologist with a research focus on Great Lakes coastal wetland habitats and invasive plant species (e.g., Phragmites australis), I have extensive involvement in the application of research results into practice and policy (e.g., development of novel adaptive management approaches).

What is the role of hydrologic connectivity in the rehabilitation and adaptive management of diked and coastal wetland ecosystems in the Laurentian Great Lakes and throughout the nation?

Can we find innovative control approaches for Phragmites australis (Common Reed) and other invasive plant species of concern to resource managers?

What is the landscape-scale potential for coastal wetland habitat rehabilitation throughout the Great Lakes basin?

These are a few of the research questions that I have been working on during my 26+ years at the Great Lakes Science Center. My master’s work in GIS and remote sensing at Eastern Michigan University and doctoral studies at the University of Michigan provided a solid foundation for extensive work with USFWS refuges (Detroit River, Ottawa, Seney, Shiawassee), Michigan DNR, Ohio DNR, The Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, and many other partners. I’ve studied the marshes of western Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) for many years and continue to work with managers to apply site specific results at national scales. Leadership experiences at the National Conservation Leadership Institute and within USGS have helped me conduct some innovative science and push our research teams in new directions.

Research Interests 

Select Research Projects

  • Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment: overview, geonarrative, and mappers (Western Lake Erie, Connecting River Systems, Saginaw Bay)
  • Collaborative coastal wetland restoration planning and monitoring for over 1,000 ac at the USFWS Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
  • Implementation of the binational Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program
  • Contact Information 


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    Dr. Jim White

    Rutgers University


    James F. White, Jr., is Professor of Plant Pathology. Dr. White obtained the M.S. in Mycology and Plant Pathology from Auburn University, Alabama, and the Ph.D. in Mycology from the University of Texas, Austin in 1987. Dr. White specializes in symbiosis research, particularly endophytic microbes. He is the author of more than 180 articles, and author and editor of reference books on the biology, taxonomy, and phylogeny of fungal endophytes, including Biotechnology of Acremonium Endophytes of Grasses (1994), Microbial Endophytes (2000), The Clavicipitalean Fungi (2004), The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem (2005), and Defensive Mutualism in Microbial Symbiosis (2009). He and students in his lab are exploring diversity of endophytic microbes and the various impacts that they have on host plants.

    Research Interests 

    Primary Focus Area: Plant Protection and Biotic and Abiotic Interactions
    Secondary Focus Area: Sustainable Agricultural Systems

    Contact Information 


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    Dr. Keith Clay

    Tulane University


    Dr. Clay’s research focuses primarily on symbiosis, which encompasses both mutualistic and pathogenic interactions, and everything in between. Most of his research, and that of his students, has focused on plant-fungal interactions but they have also investigated bacterial communities associated with ticks, important vectors of human pathogens. The overarching questions of interest are how are symbionts transmitted and maintained in host populations, and how do symbiotic interactions affect the structure and dynamics of ecological communities? To address these questions Dr. Clay uses a wide range of approaches ranging from long-term field experiments to lab-based molecular and microbiology.

    Dr. Clay recently moved to Tulane after 32 years at Indiana University to become the chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He still has several large research projects based at Indiana University but is initiating new research at Tulane that takes advantage of the unique habitats and high biodiversity along the Gulf of Mexico. As he rebuilds his lab here, he is actively seeking talented undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

    Research Interests 

    Primary Focus Area: My students and I are interested in how interspecific interactions, particularly microbial symbioses and disease, affect dynamics of ecological communities. Recent research has revealed unsuspected microbial diversity and evidence for its central role in many ecological processes. Ongoing research projects fall into three general areas:

  • Microbial Symbiosis
  • Infectious Disease and Host Ecology
  • Microbial Interactions and Biological Invasions
    Contact Information 

    (504) 865-5563

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    Dr. Emily Farrer

    Tulane University


    Dr. Farrer’s fields of research include Plant Ecology, Plant-Microbe Interactions, Global Change Biology, Invasive Species, Wetland Ecology, Population Genetics, and Botany.

    Research Interests 

    Primary Focus Area: Our research is aimed at understanding how global change affects the structure and dynamics of plant and microbial communities and the implications these changes have for biodiversity and ecosystem function. We study ecology using a framework that integrates across a variety of disciplines – community ecology, microbial ecology, ecosystem ecology, invasion biology, and population genetics – and utilizes a broad range of statistical modeling, GIS, and molecular techniques. We work at scales from the rhizosphere to the landscape level and have used this framework to ask questions about plant-soil feedbacks, plant population dynamics, woody encroachment, and invasive species spread.

    Contact Information 

    (504) 862-8288

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    Dr. Wes Bickford

    USGS – Great Lakes Science Center


    My research interests lie in wetland ecology, invasive species, and plant-microbial interactions. Specifically, I explore new and innovative strategies for managing invasive plants that use molecular biology, community ecology, and plant-soil interactions as a foundation. These management strategies are all focused on adding new tools to complement conventional methods to combat invasive species. Examples of specific lines of work found below.

    Research Interests 

    Primary Focus Areas: 

  • Intervention of microbial symbiosis. Microbes are everywhere. In humans, they are vastly important to health and bodily function. Likewise, bacteria and fungi play hugely important roles in nutrient availability in soils, nutrient acquisition by plants, and plant tolerances to extreme conditions. Many of these microbial interactions could make invasive plants more competitive and aggressive. Therefore, management approaches that target microbial interactions could decrease the expansion of invasive species. We are working on developing such management tools by testing the impacts of disruption in microbial symbiosis on invasive plant health, nutrient acquisition, and expansion.
  • Genomics and Gene Silencing. Invasive species excel relative to their neighbors in many cases due to superior traits. In plants, invasives tend to grow taller, denser, faster, and have higher reproductive rate. All of these traits have a genetic basis, so we are working on ways to “switch them off” using a process known as gene silencing. Gene silencing is a form of genetic biocontrol that blocks expression of certain genes without altering the host’s genetic code. It can be thought of as a bioherbicide that works in a species-specific manner to target undesirable traits. We are using genomics to identify the genes that underlie the most troublesome traits in invasive plants and developing cutting-edge vectors to carry silencing constructs into plant cells. This work will result in new management tools to slow the spread of invasive plants.
  • Submergence Management Using Historically High Great Lakes Water Levels. Water levels in the Great Lakes are currently at historic highs and expected to continue rising in the near future. Phragmites australis expansion in the Great Lakes basin got a boost from a period of low lake levels in the 2000s and early 2010s, expanding from shorelines into exposed bottomlands, creating dense monocultures with extensive root and rhizome systems. With rising waters since 2013, many Phragmites populations have been submerged, presumably facilitating natural dieback. Record high water levels may offer a unique opportunity to control large swaths of Phragmites across the basin by cutting stems under the water to drown the plant. It is well-established that completely submerging stems for extended periods of time can kill Phragmites. However, managers are unsure how long the significant belowground rhizome biomass remains viable and able to re-sprout and/or spread, especially where a significant portion of the clone extends into emergent marsh zones, allowing it to transport gases through the rhizome and potentially preserve the submerged sections. We are conducting a series of experiments to address these uncertainties and explore the opportunities to employ this management technique across the Great Lakes basin.
    Contact Information 


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    Dr. Kate Kingsley

    Rutgers University


    Biography text and content

    Research Interests 

    Primary Focus Areas: 

    Description of research interests and focus areas

    Contact Information 


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    Administration and facilitation support: 

    Samantha Tank

    Great Lakes Commission

    Patrick Canniff

    Great Lakes Commission

    Relevant Research 

    The table below contains recently published research collected in the GLPC Research Round-Up – a digest of academic papers published in the previous month(s). If you are interested in receiving the Research Round-Up Newsletter – Sign up here!

    To view research relevant to the Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative (PSC) and its members, click the search bar in the table header below and type “PSC” in the search bar. You can also use this search bar to find research relevant to a specific keyword/topic, author, journal, or year you are looking for.

    TitleAuthorPublicationLinkDatePaywall (pay for access, or by organization affiliation)Tags/Keywords
    Legacy effects of Phragmites australis and herbicide treatments can reduce survival but do not prevent native plant establishmentAudrey Bowe, Zachary Simek, Andrea Dávalos, Bernd BlosseyResoration Ecology2024No glyphosate, herbicide, invasive species, recovery, revegetation, succession
    Chromosome-level genome assemblies reveal genome evolution of an invasive plant Phragmites australisCui Wang, Lele Liu, Meiqi Yin, Bingbing Liu, Yiming Wu, Franziska Eller, Yingqi Gao, Hans Brix, Tong Wang, Weihua Guo, Jarkko Salojärvi Communications Biology2024No
    Does introduced European Phragmites australis experience belowground microbial enemy release in North America?Sean F. H. Lee, Samantha K. Chapman, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Franziska Eller, J. Adam LangleyEcosphere2024Nobiological invasions, common reed, enemy-release hypothesis, evolution of increasedcompetitive ability (EICA), Phragmites australis, plant–soil feedback
    Long-Term observations of culm heights of invasive Phragmites Australis subjected to three different control methods in a small urban New England saltmarshAlan M. YoungBioOne2024Yes
    Phragmites australis subsp. australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel, European Common Reed / Roseau commun (Poaceae)Michael J. McTavish, Patrick Häfliger, Sandy M. Smith, Robert S. Bourchier robert.bourchier@agr.gc.caCABI2024No
    Return of the Phrag-i: evaluating sexual reproduction mechanisms amenable to dieback recovery and potential invasiveness across Phragmites australis haplotypesOlivia Hurley, Austin Lynn, Aaron DeVries, Christopher Reid, Tracy Elsey-Quirk Wetlands Ecology and Management2024NoSexual reproduction, Dieback, Restoration, Invasion, Marsh Loss
    Aboveground biomass retrieval of wetland vegetation at the species level using UAV hyperspectral imagery and machine learningWei Zhuo, Nan Wu, Runhe Shi, Pudong Liu, Chao Zhang, Xing Fu, Yiling CuiEcological Indicators2024No
    Seed mix performance with environmental stressors and invasion: Implications for wetland restorationMaddie Houde, Karin KettenringUtah State University2024No
    Adventitious root effects on management of invasive Phragmites australis in high waterPriya GahirUniversity of Michigan2024Noinvasive phragmites, adventitious roots
    Seasonal Phragmites australis classification in Long Point National Wildlife Area wetlands using a remotely piloted aircraft system and random forest machine learningMorgan Hrynyk, Amir Behnamian, Sarah Banks, Zhaohua Chen, Taylor Harmer, Patrick Kirby, Lori White, Jon Pasher, and Jason DuffeDrone Systems and Applications2024No
    Early detection of invasive Phragmites Australis at the tidal marsh-forest ecotone with airborne lidarBiao Xiong, Siyuan Han, Tyler C. Messerschmidt, Matthew L. Kirwan, Keryn Gedan, Man QiSSRN2024NoSpecies invasion, Understory detection, sea level rise, Coastal management, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Lidar-derived spatial metrics
    Revegetation strategies for native wetland plant restoration in the face of Phragmites australis reinvasion and hydrologic extremesMaddie HoudeUtah State University2024No
    Regional variation in Phragmites australis reproductive traits and seedling performance in North AmericaSean Lee, Melissa K. McCormick, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Keith Clay, Emily C. FarrerResearch Square2024Nobiological invasions, Phragmites australis, nutrient pollution, wetland invasion, seeding recruitment
    The Great Lakes’ most unwanted: Characterizing the impacts of the top ten Great Lakes aquatic invasive species El Lower a, Rochelle Sturtevant a, Susannah Iott b, Felix Martinez c, Ed Rutherford d, Doran M. Mason d, Joseph Redinger a, Ashley K. Elgin eJournal of Great Lakes Research2024NoAquatic nonindigenous species, Impact assessment, Environmental impact, Socio-economic impacts, Invasive species
    Targeted grazing reduces a widespread wetland plant invader with minimal nutrient impacts, yet native community recovery is limitedChristine B. Rohal a b, Brittany Duncan b c, Jennifer Follstad Shah d, Kari E. Veblen e, Karin M. Kettenring bJournal of Environmental Management2024Yes
    Early detection of an invasive alien plant (Phragmites australis) using unoccupied aerial vehicles and artificial intelligenceAntoine Caron-Guay,  View ORCID ProfileMickaël Germain,  View ORCID ProfileEtienne LalibertéBioRxiv 2024Noartificial intelligence, computer vision, convolutional neural network, deep learning, drones, common reed, invasive alien plant species, Phragmites, remote sensing, unoccupied aerial vehicles
    Stronger increase of methane emissions from coastal wetlands by non-native Spartina alterniflora than non-native Phragmites australisAndrea Fuchs, Ian C. Davidson, J. Patrick Megonigal, John L. Devaney, Christina Simkanin, Genevieve L. Noyce, Meng Lu, Grace M. CottPlants, People, Planet2024Noblue carbon, coastal wetlands, greenhouse gas emissions, invasive species, Phragmites australis,plant traits, Spartina alterniflora
    Insights from intensive stream monitoring in an Eastern Mediterranean agricultural catchment illuminate anthropogenic impact on water qualityE. Shtull-Trauring, R. Egozi, M. Ben-Yona, N. BernsteinRiver Research and Applications2024Yes
    Changing dominance of invasive Phragmites australis and native plant colonization with variation in management, wildfires, and soils in a desert wetlandScott R. Abella, Scott R. Abella, Shelley L. Porter, Kathleen A. Kline, Lindsay P. Chiquoine, Benjamin S. JurandCambridge University Press2024Noenvironmental gradient, initial conditions, Mojave Desert, salinity, secondary invasion, seed bank
    Quantitatively unveiling the role of coastal wetlands in regulating eutrophication and enhancing water environmental capacityQiaofeng Ma, Shuxiu Liang, Jiawen Sun, Shahid Ahmad, Zhenhua Wang, Wenhao Hou, Zhaochen Sun, Bijin Liu, Wenguo HuangMarine Environmental Research2024Yes
    Shifts in light availability driven by dieback across a marsh-forest gradientGiovanna Nordio, Keryn Gedan, Sergio FagherazziEcosphere2024Nocoastal forest retreat, edge effects, illuminance, invasive species, salinization, temperature
    Variation in the Biomass of Phragmites australis Across Community Types in the Aquatic Habitats of the Middle Volga ValleyVladimir Papchenkov, Hana ?ížkováDiversity2024Nobiomass; communities; Glyceria maxima; Middle Volga; Phragmites australis; river habitats; Schoenoplectus lacustris; Typha angustifolia; Kuibyshev Reservoir
    The genome sequence of common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steud. (Poaceae)Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Michael F. FayWellcome Open Research2024No
    Contribution of neutral processes to the assembly of microbial communities on Phragmites australis leaf litterShow author detailsActa Biologica SlovenicaView Article2023NoBacterial communities, Fungal communities, Decomposition, Freshwater ecosystem, Ephemeral lake
    The Applicability of Scanner Method to Investigate Rhizosphere in WetlandsChen Zhoa, Shiro Tsuyuzaki, and Ryoji NakanishiSSRNView Article2023NoScanner, Image analysis, Vertical distribution of roots, Water level, Root area and length
    Ammonia nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon regulate soil microbial gene abundances and enzyme activities in wetlands under different vegetation typesMengyuan Zhu, Yanyu Song, Mengting Li, Chao Gong, Zhendi Liu, Jiabao Yuan, Xiaoyu Li, Changchun Song Applied Soil Ecology View Article2024Yes
    Some like it hot: small genomes may be more prevalent under climate extremesLaura A. Meyerson, James T. Cronin, Magdalena Lu?anová, Carla Lambertini, Hans Brix, Jasmin G. Packer, Jan ?uda, Jan Wild, Jan Pergl & Petr Pyšek Biological Invasions View Article2024NoClimate change, Cx-value, Genome size, Invasive species, Plant traits, Range shift
    The Metzger marsh restorationâ€â€a vegetation-centric look after 27 yearsDouglas A. Wilcox, Kurt P. Kowalski, Alexandra Bozimowski Journal of Great Lakes ResearchView Article2024Yes
    Root anatomical plasticity contributes to the different adaptive responses of two Phragmites species to water-deficit and low-oxygen conditionsTakaki Yamauchi, Kurumi Sumi, Hiromitsu Morishita and Yasuyuki NomuraFunctional Pant Biology View Article2024NoAerenchyma, Cortex, Exodermis, Phragmites, Root anatomical plasticity, Suberin, Wild Poaceae species, Xylem
    Silicon promotes biomass accumulation in Phragmites australis under waterlogged conditions in coastal wetlandYuntao Wu, Xiaodong Zhang, Jiayang Lin, Xia Wang, Shaobo Sun, Qian Hao, Lele Wu, Jingyun Zhou, Shaopan Xia, Xiangbing Ran, Yidong Wang, Jiahuan Tang, Changxun Yu, Zhaoliang Song & Cong-Qiang Liu Plant and SoilView Article2024YesSilcon availability, Coastal wetland, Waterlogged conditions, P.australis, Biomass accumulation, Carbon sequestration
    Long-term periodic management of Phragmites australis maintains native brackish wetland plant communitiesHope Brooks, Sylvia Jacobson, Andrew Baldwin, Melissa McCormick, Karin Kettenring, Eric Buehl, Dennis WhighamWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2023NoPhragmites australis, management, vegetation changes, historical data, Chesapeake Bay
    Targeted Grazing Reduces a Widespread Wetland Invader with Minimal Nutrient Impacts, Yet Native Community Recovery is LimitedChristine Rohal, Brittany Duncan, Jennifer Follstad Shah, Kari Veblen, Karin KettenringSocial Science Research NetworkView Article2023NoGreat Salt Lake, Utah, cattle grazing, restoration
    Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on the genetic diversity of Phragmites australis in small-river habitatsJolanta Patamsyt, Carla Lambertini, Jurgita Butkuvien, Donatas Naugžemys, Donatas ŽvingilaPopulation Genetics of Animals and PlantsView Article2023NoDNA polymorphism, ISSR, genetic structure, habitat fragmentation, eutrophication, nutrients, clonal diversity
    Root plasticity benefits a global invasive species in eutrophic coastal wetlandsHao Lui, Yan Zhang, Xiao Xu, Songshuo Li, Jihua Wu, Bo Li, Ming NieFunctional EcologyView Article2023Yesroot trait plasticity, nitrogen enrichment, fertilization effects, below-ground mechanisms
    Field Tests of Egg and Larval Release Methods of Biological Control Agents (Archanara Neurica, Lenisa Geminipuncta) for Introduced PhragmitesMichael McTavish, Ian M. Jones, Patrick Hafliger, Sandy M. Smith, Robert S. BourchierSocial Science Research NetworkView Article2023Nostem-boring moths, biocontrol, egg cup survival, feeding damage
    Phragmites-fire feedbacks: the influence of fire and disturbance-altered hydrology on the abundance of Phragmites australisNicholas T. Link, Daniel L. McLaughlin, Nathan Bush, Fredric C. WursterBiological InvasionsView Article2023NoGreat Dismal Swap, post fire disturbance, random forest model, hydrologic regime
    The influence of mowing frequency on the growth and development of Phragmites australisMariusz Kulik, Joanna Sender, Andrzej Bochniak, Ma?gorzata Ja?wa, Dariusz Ciesielski Journal for Nature ConservationView Article2023Nocommon reed, shoot density, reed height, inflorescences, yield
    Phragmites management in high water: cutting plants under water limits biomass production, carbohydrate storage, and rhizome viabilitySpencer L. Widin, Wesley A. Bickford, Kurt P. KowalskiWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2023Yescut-to-drown management, biomass, rhizome availability, Great Lakes water levels
    New records of endophytic fungi from Phragmites australis in IranF. Salimi, M. Javan-Nikkhah, A. Alizadeh, A. Mirzadi Gohari, M. ThinesMycologia IranicaView Article2023NoAscomycota, biodiversity, Lake Urmia, phylogeny, poaceae, symbiosis
    Observation to action: how geospatial data is used for the tracking and management of invasive Phragmites in MinnesotaDanielle SackettUniversity of Minnesota's Digital ConservancyView Article2023NoPhragmites, geospatial, Minnesota
    Ecologically scaled responses of marsh birds to invasive Phragmites expansion and water-level fluctuationsRyan M. Dinehart, Dustin E. Brewer, Thomas M. Gehring, Kevin L. Pangle, Donald G. UzarskiWaterbirdsView Article2023YesClimate change, ecologically scaled landscape indicies, ESLI, Great Lakes coastal wetland, habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, invasive species
    Morphological traits for rapid and simple separation of native and introduced common reed (Phragmites australis)Michael J. McTavish, Tyler Smith, Subbaiah Mechanda, Sandy M. Smith, Robert S. BourchierInvasive Plant Science and ManagementView Article2023NoCommon reed, genetic identification, identification guide, invasive plant
    A remote sensing approach to assess the historical invasion of Phragmites australis in a brackish coastal marshJason S. Hagani, John Y. Takekawa, Steven C. Chappell, Richelle L. Tanner, Adrienne R. Ernst and Karin M. KettenringFrontiers in Ecology and EvolutionView Article2023NoPhragmites australis, invasive species, marsh, estuary, random forest classification, wetland
    Great Lakes coastal wetland biodiversity increases following invasive Phragmites australis removalMeghan Ward, Tarra Degazio, Jeff BowmanWetlands (Under Review)View Article2023NoGreat Lakes coastal wetlands, Phragmites australis, invasive plants, restoration
    Using voting-based ensemble classifiers to map invasive Phragmites australisConor J. Anderson, Daniel Heins, Keith C. Pelletier, Joseph F. KnightRemote SensingView Article2023NoPhragmites australis, UAS, machine learning, voting-based ensemble classifier, invasive species, multispectral
    Optimization and application of non-native Phragmites australis transcriptome assembliesFeng Tao, Chuanzhu Fan, Yimin Liu, Subashini Sivakumar, Kurt P. Kowalski, Edward M. GolenbergPLOS ONEView Article2023NoGene expression, Meristems, Inflorescences, RNA sequencing, Sequence alignment, Sequence databases
    Landscape and site factors drive invasive Phragmites management and native plant recovery across Chesapeake Bay wetlandsChristine B. Rohal, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Eliza K. McFarland, Rebekah Downard, Melissa K. McCormick, Dennis F. Whigham, Karin M. KettenringEcosphereView Article2023NoCommon reed, Ecosystem restoration, Estuary, Herbicide, Invasive plant, Natural recolonization, Revegetation,
    Predicting the Great Lakes wetlands' resilience to climate change in response to Phragmites australis subsp. australis removalMeagan StagerStudies by Undergraduate Researchers at GuelphView Article2023NoPhragmites, Great Lakes, Wetlands, Climate change, Resiliency
    Improving machine learning classifications of Phragmites australis using object-based image analysisConnor J. Anderson, Daniel Heins, Keith C. Pelletier and Joseph F. KnightRemote SensingView Article2023NoPhragmites australis, UAS, Invasive species, Object-based image analysis, Machine learning
    Experimentally induced dieback conditions limit Phragmites australis growthWesley A. Bickford, Danielle S. Snow, McKenzie K. H. Smith, Kathryn L. Kingsley, James F. White and Kurt P. Kowalski MicroorganismsView Article2023NoShort-chain fatty acid, Soil bacteria, Invasive plants, Symbiosis
    Influence of fire and disturbance-altered hydrology on the abundance of Phragmites australisNicholas T. Link, Daniel L. McLaughlin, Nathan Bush, Fredric C. WursterBiological Invasions (Under Review)View Article2023NoPhragmites australis, Peatlands, Fire, Remote sensing, Hydrology, Great Dismal Swamp
    Mapping of Phragmites in estuarine wetlands using high-resolution aerial imageryMatthew Walter & Pinki MondalEnvironmental Monitoring and AssessmentView Article2023YesPhragmites, Machine learning, Classification, Invasive, Vegetation
    Mapping Phragmites australis Aboveground Biomass in the Momoge Wetland Ramsar Site Based on Sentinel-1/2 ImagesYuxin Zhao, Dehua Mao, Dongyou Zhang, Zongming Wang, Baojia Du, Hengqi Yan, Zhiqiang Qiu, Kaidong Feng, Jingfa Wang, Mingming JiaRemote SensingView Article2022NoRemote sensing, aboveground biomass, random forest, Phragmites australis, wetland
    Original leaf colonisers shape fungal decomposer communities of Phragmites australis in intermittent habitatsMatevz Likar, Mateja Graic, Blaz Stres, Marjana Regvar, Alenka GaberscikJournal of Fungi
    View Article2022NoCommunity networks, fungal communities, keystone species, litter decomposition, Phragmites australis, water regime
    Testing restoration methods for Lake Ontario wetlands at a wetland scaleEli L. Polzer, Douglas A. WilcoxJournal of Great Lakes ResearchView Article2022YesCattails, Channel excavation, Sedge/grass meadow, Spoil mounds, Typha control, Wetland restoration
    Decomposition rate of common reed leaves depends on litter origin and exposure location characteristicsMateja Grasic, Matevz Likar, Katarina Vogel-Mikus, Tijana Samardzic, Alenka GaberscikAquatic BotanyView Article2022NoPhragmites australis, Leaf litter, Litter element composition, Silicon, Decomposition rate, Water regime
    Effect of precipitation change on the photosynthetic performance of Phragmites australis under elevated temperature conditionsLinhong Teng, Hanyu Liu, Xiaonan Chu, Xiliang Song, Lianhui ShiPeerJView Article2022NoPhragmites australis, Photosynthesis, Precipitation, Warming, Non-stomatal limitation, Protection mechanism, climate change
    Does a widespread species have a higher competition ability than an endemic species? A case study in the Dongting Lake wetlandsYuhang Du, Qiaoqiao Zhou, Zenghui Peng, Fangcheng Peng, Lianlian Xi, Youzhi LiResearch SquareView Article2022NoSurvival, growth, competition, niche, submergence
    Plant effects on and response to soil microbes in native and non-native Phragmites australisWesley A. Bickford, Deborah E. Goldberg, Donald R. Zak, Danielle S. Snow, Kurt P. KowalskiEcological ApplicationsView Article2022YesBiological invasions, DNA metabarcoding, plant-soil feedback, rhizosphere, soil bacteria, soil fungi, PSC
    The incidence of alien species on the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity of lentic and lotic communities dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) SteudMaria Beatrice Castellani, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Rossano Bolpagni, Alicce Vecchia, Andrea CoppiKnowledge & Management of Aquatic EcosystemsView Article2022NoInvasive plants, diversity indices, macrophyte, common reed beds, wetlands, Italy
    Nipponaclerda Biwakoensis Infestation of Phragmites australis in the Mississippi River Delta, USA: Do Fungal Microbiomes Play a Role?Caitlin Bumby, Emily C. FarrerWetlandsView Article2022NoGulf Coast, Wetland ecology, Intraspecific variation, Invasive plants, ITS, PSC
    Remote sensing-based structural and functional assessments of Phragmites australis diebacks in the Mississippi River DeltaGlenn M. Suir, Christina L. Saltus, Molly K. ReifEcological IndicatorsView Article2022NoRemote sensing, Phragmites australis dieback, Landscape ecology, Hot spot analysis, Floristic quality index, Land
    Diversity and functions of quorum sensing bacteria in the root environment of the Suaeda glauca and Phragmites australis coastal wetlandsChangfei He, Li Zheng, Wei Gao, Jinfeng Ding, Chengxuan Li, Xiyuan Xu, Bin Han, Qian Li, Shuai WangEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchView Article2022NoN-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL), Quorum sensing, Rhizobacteria, Root bacteria, Ecological function
    Fungal endophyte effects on invasive Phragmites australis performance in field and growth chamber environmentsQuynh N. Quach, Thomas Thrasher, Kurt P. Kowalski, Keith ClayFungal EcologyView Article2022YesBio-control, Inoculation, Invasive, Phragmites australis
    An invasive population of Roseau Cane Scale in the Mississippi River Delta, USA originated from northeastern ChinaScott A. Schneider, Hannah J. Broadley, Jeremy C. Andersen, Joseph S. Elkinton, Shaw-Yhi Hwang, Chenxi Liu, Suzuki Noriyuki, Jong-Seok Park, Hang Thi Dao, Matthew L. Lewis, Juli R. Gould, Kim A. Hoelmer, Rodrigo DiazBiological InvasionsView Article2022YesBiological control, coccoidea, coccmorpha, haplotype, niche modeling, nipponaclerdaa biwakoensis, Phragmites australis, scale insect
    Native wetland plant recovery following Phragmites australis invasionMegan Ashleen JordanUniversity of Waterloo ThesisView Article2022NoGlyphosate, monitoring, wetland restoration, seedbank
    Physical and plant community changes at a Lake Michigan coastal marsh related to a two-meter increase in lake levelRyne Rutherford, Jeremy A. Hartsock, Nicholas P. DanzWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2022YesGreat Lakes, Lake Michigan, Coastal Wetlands, Marsh, Plant communities, European frogbit, Phragmites
    Estimation of temperature and flooding depth thresholds for Phragmites australis rhizome bud sproutingHaoran Tang, Jiangshan Bai, Dongjia Yu, Yanjing LouWeed ResearchView Article2022YesBase Temperature, Hydrological Regime, Marsh Plant, Optimum, Vegetative Regeneration, Wetlands
    Three new species of Microdochium (Sordariomycetes, Amphisphaeriales) on Miscanthus sinensis and Phragmites australis from Hainan, ChinaShubin Liu, Xiaoyong Liu, Zhaoxue Zhang, Jiwen Xia, Xiuguo Zhang, Zhe MengJournal of FungiView Article2022NoAscomycota, Amphisphaeriaceae, taxonomy, multigene phylogeny, new taxon
    Structural and Functional Characterization of Bacterial Biofilms Formed on Phragmites australis (Cav.) in the Rybinsk ReservoirR. A. Fedorov, I. V. Rybakova, N. L. Belkova, N. A. LaptevaMicrobiologyView Article2022YesBacterioepiphyton, Phragmites australis, Rybinsk Reservoir, Physiological and Trophic Diversity, Production, Degradation, Molecular Genetic Techniques
    Invasive grass causes biotic homogenization in wetland birds in a Lake Erie coastal marshC. D. Robichaud. R. C. RooneyHydrobiologiaView Article2022YesInvasive Species, Bird Community, Wetland, Water-level Fluctuations, Biological Homogenization, Beta Diversity
    Tipping the balance: The role of seed density, abiotic filters, and priority effects in seed-based wetland restorationEmily E. Tarsa, Bailey M. Holdaway, Karin M. KettenringEcological ApplicationsView Article2022YesAbiotic filters, Phragmites australis, plant community assembly, priority effotrs, propagule pressure, seed addition, sowing density, wetland restoration
    A novel invasive plant detection approach using time series images from unmanned aerial systems based on convolutional and recurrent neural networksYanhui Guo, Yun Zhao, Thomas A. Rothfus, Adam S. AvalosNeural Computing and ApplicationsView Article2022YesInvasive plant, Unmanned aerial system, Convolutional neural network, Recurrent neural network
    Phragmites australis haplotypic variation and response to abiotic stressorsMichael D. JacobsLouisiana State University - DissertationView Article2022NoPhragmites australis, haplotype M1, Mississippi River Delta, die back
    The effect of species choice, seed mix composition, and microtopography on native plant restoration in Great Salt Lake wetlandsCoryna HerbertUtah State University - DissertationView Article2022NoSpecies choice, seed mix composition, microtopography, native plants, restoration, Great Salt Lake
    Vegetation and marsh bird relationships with invasive Phragmites australis occurrence and management in Saginaw Bay, Lake HuronMichael J. Monfils, Rachel A. Hackett, Phyllis J. HigmanMichigan Natural Features InventoryView Article2022NoPlant-animal interactions, plant diversity, marsh bird survey
    Wetland birds and invasive plant managementMarissa ZagoUniversity of Waterloo - ThesisView Article2022NoOntario, nesting birds, Phragmites management, bird survey, monitoring
    Analyzing the relationships between peer-reviewed literature and Ontario best practice guides to aid the understanding of invasive Phragmites control methodsLyndsay BottEcological ApplicationsView Article2022NoInvasive Phragmites, control methods, knowledge mobilization, sustainability
    Nekton use of oligohaline Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora marsh in Chesapeake Bay and North Carolina, USADavid L. Meyer, John M. Johnson, John Gill, Christopher DoleyOcean & Coastal ManagementView Article2022YesFundulus, Fish, Invasive, Restoration, Coastal marsh
    Genetic analysis of North American Phragmites australis guides management approachesDenise L. Lindsay, Joanna Freeland, Ping Gong, Xin Guan, Nathan E. Harms, Kurt P. Kowalski, Richard F. Lance, Dong-Ha Oh, Bradley T. Sartain, Douglas L. WendellAquatic BotanyView Article2022NoPhragmites australis subspecies, Genetic discrimination, Biocontrol, Genomics, Gene silencing
    The role of invasive Phragmites australis in wave attenuation in the Eastern United StatesDaniel J. Coleman, Felicio Cassalho, Tyler W. Miesse, Celso M. FerreiraEstuaries and CoastsView Article2022YesSalt marsh, wave attenuation, Phragmites, field study, hydrodynamic model
    Effects of aggressive reed (Phragmites australis) on aquatic communities in a Kansas reservoirAllison PardisFort Hays State University - ThesisView Article2022NoPhragmites australis, kansas, remote sensing, fish, invertebrate, microhabitat assessment
    Studies of Roseau cane dieback in the lower Mississippi River Delta based on remotes sensing data including Landsat, Worldview, and droneNan ShangLouisiana State UniversityView Article2022NoRemote sensing, Louisiana, land change analysis, Phragmites, support vector machine classification
    Changes of bacterial communities in restored Phragmites australis wetlands indicate the improvement of soil in the Yellow River DeltaMinjia Ge, Jingwen Gao, S. Alex McClellan, Aixin Hou, Junbao Yu, Jisong Yang, Tiehong Song, Bo GuanLand Degradation & DevelopmentView Article2022YesCoastal wetlands, returning farmland to wetland, root endophytic bacteria, soil bacteria, soil enzyme activity
    Phragmites australis invasion and herbicide-based control changes primary production and decomposition in a freshwater wetlandSarah Jennifer Yuckin, Graham Howell, Courtney Dawn Robichaud, Rebecca Campbell RooneyWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2022NoInvasive species, Wetland, Decomposition, Primary production, Common reed, Freshwater
    A simple screen to detect hybrids between native and introduced Phragmites australis in the United States and CanadaDouglas L. Wendell, Xinmei huang, Brianne Gryspeerd, Joanna FreelandJournal of Great Lakes ResearchView Article2021YesPhragmites, Invasive, Identification, DNA markers, Hybridization, PCR-RFLP, Population identification
    A two-phase plant-soil feedback experiment to explore biotic influences on Phragmites australis invasion in North American wetlandsS. F. Lee, T. J. Mozdzer, S. K. Chapman, M. G. Mateu, A. H. Baldwin, J. A. LangleybioRxivView Article2021YesSoil microbial communities, Plant-soil feedback, Invasion, Disturbance
    Adding organic matter to restore wetland soils may increase methane generation and is not needed for hydric soil developmentBrian Scott, Andrew H. Baldwin, Stephanie A. YarwoodBiogeosciences Discuss (preprint)View Article2021NoMethane emissions, mitigation wetlands, organic amendments, Fe, Phragmites, management
    Arthropod assemblages in invasive and native vegetation of Great Salt Lakes wetlandsEmily E. Leonard, Amanda M. Mast, Charles P. Hawkins & Karin M. KettenringWetlandsView Article2021YesAvian habitat, Invasion impacts, Arthropods, Phragmites australis, Trophic dynamics, Wetland ecology
    Assessing changes to ecosystem structure and function following invasion by Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis: a meta-analysisChristy N. Wails, Kaleb Baker, Ryan Blackburn, Antonio Del Valle, Jeff Heise, Heather Herakovich, Wieteke A. Holthuijzen, Matthew P. Nissenbaum, Lyndsay Rankin, Kirstie Savage, John P. Vanek, Holly P. JonesBiological InvasionsView Article2021YesManagement practices, ecosystem functions, invaded ecosystems, management efficacy, meta-analysis
    Assessing effects and fate of environmental contaminants in invasive, native, and endangered macrophytesVerena SesinTrent University TheisView Article2021NoEcosystem Management, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Fate, Herbicide, Invasive Plant, Glyphosate, Macrophyte, Species At Risk, Wetland
    Bioherbicide for suppression of aggressive invasive plant species and methods of useJames F. White, Kurt P. Kowalski, Kathryn L. Kingsley, Xiaoqian ChangU.S. Provisional Patent ApplicationView Article2021NoBioherbicide, phragmites management, endophytes, microbiome, herbicide, patent, PSC
    Characterizing an invasion assemblage: first comparison of insect communities on native and introduced subspecies of Phragmites australis in Ontario, CanadaR. B. DeJonge, M. J. McTavish, S. M. Smith, R. S. BourchierBiological InvasionsView Article2021YesArchanara neurica, Lenisa geminipuncta, Phragmites australis ssp. australis, Phragmites australis ssp. americanus, Biological control, Biocontrol
    Checklist of fungi and fungi-like organisms on the common reed Phragmites australisL. V. Voronin, N. I. Kopytina, E. A. BochaarovaAsian Journal of MycologyView Article2021NoMucoromycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Oomycota, Soil fungi, Water fungi
    Comparison of water depth tolerance in two major wetland macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Typha angustifoliaU. SongPhotosyntheticaView Article2021NoAntioxidant enzyme activity, cattail, ecophysiology, photosynthesis, reed, wetland
    Composition and co-occurrence patterns of Phragmites australis rhizosphere bacterial communitySiwen Hu, Rujia He, Wanjie Wang, Dayong Zhao, Jin Zeng, Rui Huang, Ming Duan, Zhongbo YuJournal of Aquatic EcologyView Article2021Yesaquatic macrophyte, rhizosphere sediment, host genotype, network analysis, community potential function
    Contrasting patterns of the resident and active rhizosphere bacterial communities of Phragmites australisQi Zhou, Rujia He, Dayong Zhao, Jin Zeng, Zhongbo Yu & Qinglong L. WuMicrobial EcologyView Article2021YesRhizosphere, Active bacterial community, Seasonality, Niche differentiation, Co-occurrence network, Aquatic macrophyte
    Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi-year Phragmites australis managementChristine Brenda Rohal, Carrie Reinhardt Adams, Laura Kay Reynolds, Eric Lewis Goff Hazelton, Karin Marie KettenringApplied Vegetation ScienceView Article2021YesEcological restoration, Herbicide, Invasive plant control, Invasive plant management, Native plant recovery, Phragmites australis, Recruitment limitation, Wetland revegetation
    Dynamic Response of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa to Climate Change in the Liaohe Delta WetlandYushu Zhang, Wenying Yu, Ruipeng Ji, Yijun Zhao, Rui Feng, Qingyu Jia, Jinwen WuJournal of Meteorological ResearchView Article2021YesLiaohe Delta, wetland, Phragmites australis, Suaeda salsa, climate change
    Effective suppression of established invasive Phragmites australis leads to secondary invasion in a coastal marshCourtne D. Robichaud, Rebecca C. RooneyCambridge University PressView Article2021YesEuropean common reed, herbicide control, invasive plant, vegetation community, wetland
    Effects of invasive wetland macrophytes on habitat selection and movement by freshwater turtlesSiow Yan Jennifer Angoh, Joanna Freeland, James Paterson, Prabha Amali Rupasinghe & Christina M. DavyBiological InvasionsView Article2021NoPhragmites australis, Emydoidea blandingii, Clemmys guttata, species at risk, invasive plants, Typha x glauca
    Effects of salinity and concomitant species on growth of Phragmites australis populations at different levels of genetic diversityXin-Sheng Sun, Yu-Han Chen, Na Zhuo, Yuan Cui, Fang-Li Luo, Ming-Xiang ZhangScience of the Total EnvironmentView Article2021Yesestuarine wetland, genetic diversity, intra-specific variation, reed, salt stress
    Effects of various water regimes and herbicides on sprouting of common reed rhizome fragmentsBakhtiar Gul, Muhammad Ibrahim, Haroon KhanPakistan Journal of Weed Science ResearchView Article2021YesPhragmites australis L., common reed, water regimes, rhizomes fragments, herbicides, sprouting
    Environmental limits on the spread of invasive Phragmites australis into upland forests with marine transgressionPhoebe Shaw, Justus Jobe, Keryn B. GedanEstuaries and CoastsView Article2021YesNon-native, light availability, shade, abiotic, sea level rise, saltwater intrusion
    Epigenetic variation associated with responses to different habitats in the context of genetic divergence in Phragmites australisTian Qiu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yunfei Yang, Bao LiuEcology and EvolutionView Article2021NoCosmopolitan species, DNA methylation, epigenetic differentiation, habitats, partial Mantel
    Estimating the cover of Phragmites australis using unmanned aerial vehicles and neural networks in a semi-arid wetlandWilliam Higgisson, Adrian Cobb, Alica Tschierschke, Fiona DyerU.S. Geological Survey Open-File ReportView Article2021YesUAV, spatial imagery, remote sensing, neural network, Australia, density, cover, wetland
    Evolutionary analysis for Phragmites ecotypes based on full-length plastomesTianhang Qiu, Suxia CuiAquatic BotanyView Article2021YesPhragmites, Ecotype, Plastome, Divergence time, Bayesian inference, Paleoclimate, Adaptive evolution
    Fish composition, but not richness or abundance, differ among Phragmites, Typha, and Schoenoplectus zones during a high-water yearM. V. Croft-White, E. Budgell, C. Jacobs, S. E. Doka, D. T. Reddick, J. Gardner Costa, J. D. MidwoodHydrobiologiaView Article2021NoLaurentian Great Lakes, Common reed, Fish habitat, Invasive species, Phragmites australis
    Foreseeing reed invasions: European genotypes of common reed (Phragmites australis) grow equally well in China as in their native environment and show similar performance as native Chinese genotypesHuijia Song, Franziska Eller, Xiao Guo, Emil Jespersen, Siyuan Ye, Weihua GuoAquatic BotanyView Article2021YesBiological invasion, Cryptic invasion, European phragmites, Far East/Australian lineage, Functional trait, Invasion prevention
    Fungal biodiversity in salt marsh ecosystemsMark Calabon, E. B. Gareth Jones, Itthayakorn Promputtha, Kevin D. HydeJournal of FungiView Article2021NoHalophytes, marine fungi, marine mycology, salt marsh fungi, worldwide distribution
    Herbivore identity and intensity interact to influence plant metabolic response to herbivorySufeng Pan, Jing Zhang, Hui Pan, Kai Li & Jie WuArthropod-Plant InteractionsView Article2021YesPhragmites australis, metabolic response, herbivore intensity, feeding type, plant defense, antagonistic interaction
    Influences of Phragmites australis density and groundwater level on soil water in semiarid wetland, North China: Which is more influential?Yunlong Zhang, Xuan Wang, Shengjun Yan, Jie Zhu, Dan Liu, Zhenmei Liao, Chunhui Li, Qiang LiuPhragmites australis density, Groundwater level, Surface soil water content, Water distribution in the soil profile, Soil water storage, Timing of water replenishmentView Article2021YesPhragmites australis density, Groundwater level, Surface soil water content, Water distribution in the soil profile, Soil water storage, Timing of water replenishment
    Iron plaque formation and rhizosphere iron bacteria in Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis on the redoxcline of tidal flat in the Yangtze River EstuaryQiqiong Zhang, Zhongzheng Yan, Xiuzhen LiGeodermaView Article2021YesSpartina alterniflora, phragmites australis, iron plaque, iron bacteria, redox potental, rhizosphere
    Isolation of foliar fungi from Roseau Cane (Phragmites Australis) in Coastal LouisianaDavid M Galo EspinalLSU Master's ThesisView Article2021YesPhragmites, fungi, plant pathology
    Management of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) at Erie Marsh PreserveChris MayGreat Lakes Institute of Environmental ResearchView Article2021NoThe Nature Conservancy, Restoration, Monitoring
    Mapping Invasive Phragmites Australis on Crow Island State Game Area with an Unmanned Aerial VehicleJarod Morse, Rhett MohlerMichigan AcademicianView Article2021YesMapping, UAV, Remote sensing
    Mapping Phragmites cover using WorldView 2/3 and Sentinel 2 images at Lake Erie Wetlands, CanadaPrabha Amali Rupasinghe, Patricia Chow-FraserBiological InvasionsView Article2021YesMTMF, Phragmites, WorldView 2 and WorldView 3, Sentinel 2, Wetlands, Invasive species
    Microbial mechanisms of Phragmites australis invasion in coastal LouisianaCarolyn SchroederTulane University ThesisView Article2021NoMicrobial symbionts, invasion, coast, saltwater intrusion, salinity, mesocosm
    Monitoring an ungagged coastal marsh to analyze the salinity interaction of the marsh with Lake EriePravakar Khadka, Suresh Sharma, Thomas MathisEnvironmental Monitoring and AssessmentView Article2021YesSalinity, hydrodynamic, wetland, Lake Erie, SWAT, EFDC
    Morphological and physiological responses of Arundo donax and Phragmites australis to waterlogging stressLindokuhle Tshapa, Kuben Naidoo, Gonasageran NaidooFloraView Article2021YesInterspecific competition, Invasive plants, Soil redox potential, Aerenchyma, Giant reed, Common reed, Biomass accumulation
    Performance of a native butterfly and introduced moth on native and introduced lineages of Phragmites australisAdam M. Lambert, Lisa A. Tewksbury, Richard A. CasagrandeInsectsView Article2021NoArtificial diet, Biological control, Common reed, Haplotype, Herbivore preference, Invasive species, Survivorship curve
    Phragmites australis dieback in the Mississippi River Delta: Chemical profiles of soil types and restoration potentialHerie LeeLSU Master's ThesisView Article2021NoDieback, restoration, dredging, Delta, Gulf, EU
    Phragmites australis invasion and herbicide treatment changes freshwater wetland carbon dynamicsSarah Jennifer Yuckin, Graham Howell, Courtney Dawn Robichaud, Rebecca Campbell RooneyWetlands (preprint)View Article2021NoInvasive species, coastal marsh, wetland, decomposition, carbon stock, common reed, freshwater
    Plant and microbial impacts of an invasive species vary across an environmental gradientEmily C. Farrer, Christina Birnbaum, Pawel Waryszak, Susannah R. Halbrook, Monica V. Brady, Caitlin R. Bumby, Helena Candaele, Nelle K. Kulick, Sean F. H. Lee, Carolyn S. Schroeder, McKenzie K. H. Smith, William WilberJournal of EcologyView Article2021Yes16s, diversity, Gulf Coast, haplotype, ITS, marsh, Phragmites australis, plant-soil interactions, PSC
    Plant traits of Phalaris arundinacea and Phragmites australis examining effects of water level, salinity, and soil types in a mesocosm experimentAndreas Dahlkamp, Maike Heuner, Stefanie Nolte, Jana Carus, Kai Jensen, Boris SchroderWetlandsView Article2021NoPhragmites australis, Phalaris arundinacea, Plant traits, Floodplain, Estuary, Marshes, Plant habitat
    Positive interactions occur between Phragmites australis lineages across short term experimental nutrient regimesMartina Gonzalez Mateu, Stephanie A. Yarwood, Andrew H. BaldwinAquatic BotanyView Article2021YesPhragmites, intergenotypic facilitation, carbon addition, plant competition, wetland restoration, invasive species management
    Positive interactions occur between Phragmites australis lineages across short term experimental nutrient regimesMartina Gonzalez Mateu, Stephanie A. Yarwood, Andrew H. BaldwinAquatic BotanyView Article2021YesPhragmites, intergenotypic facilitation, carbon addition, plant competition, wetland restoration, invasive species management
    Regeneration of Phragmites australis from rhizome and culm fragments: an experimental test of environmental effects, population origin and invasion statusJan Cuda, Hana Skalova, Laura A. Meyerson, Petr PysekPresliaView Article2021NoAboveground biomass, belowground biomass, common garden experiment, common reed, culm, dispersal, disturbance, genotype, invasive plant, rhizome, regeneration, shoot, stem, vegetative reproduction, wetland, PSC
    Responses of stomatal feature and photosynthesis to porewater N enrichment and elevated atmospheric CO2 in Phragmites australisJulian R. Garrison, Joshua S. Caplan, Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Barry A. LoganAmerican Journal of BotanyView Article2021YesCarbon dioxide, environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), guard cell length, leaf surface features, nitrogen eutrophication, Poaceae
    Revegetation with Native Plants: a Test of Best PracticesStefan WeberMcMaster University PhD Dissertations and ThesesView Article2021NoEcological restoration, Native plans, Bees, Invasive Plants, Seeds
    Shade and salinity responses of two dominant coastal wetland grasses: implications for light competition at the transition zoneEmil Jespersen, Gro H Kirk, Hans Brix, Franziska Eller, Brian K SorrellEGU Assembly 2021View Article2021YesSalt tolerance, shade acclimation, Spartina anglica, Phragmites australis, light competition, C4 photosynthesis, ion regulation, sodium, salt exclusion
    Soil salinity and the occurrence of invasive Phragmites australis in Scarborough MarshAnthony DevecchisUniversity of Southern MaineView Article2021NoPhragmites australis, common reed, invasive species, salt marsh, Spartina alternifora, wetlands, soil salinity, plant communities
    Synthetic aperture radar and optical mapping used to monitor change and replacement of Phragmites australis marsh in the Lower Mississippi River Delta, LouisianaElijah W. Ramsey III and Amina RangoonwalaU.S. Geological Survey Open-File ReportView Article2021NoRemote sensing, L-Band, SAR, live fractional cover, LFC, early detection, stand replacement
    The effect of reed beds distributions on the Ecohydraulic dynamics of wetlands and lowlands: experimental analyses and simulationsGiuseppe Francesco Cesare LamaEGU Assembly 2021View Article2021NoPhragmites, NDVI, LAI, UAV, ecohydrology, hydrodynamic model, remote sensing
    The Phragmites root-inhabiting microbiome: A critical review on its composition and environmental applicationDonglin Wang, Yaohui Bai, Jiuhui QuEngineeringView Article2021NoPhragmites, Rhizosphere microbiome, Microbial community composition, Pollution remediation, Constructed wetlands
    Vegetation community changes in response to Phragmites management at Times Beach, Buffalo, New YorkAaron N. Schad, Gary O. Dick, Kris Erickson, Paul Fuhrmann, Lynde L. DoddU.S. Army Corps Engineer Research and Development CenterView Article2021NoAquatic plants, Phragmites management, Beaches Buffalo, Buffalo River, New York
    Waterlogging tolerance of the common reeds Phragmites mauritianus and P. australisGonasageran NaidooAfrican Journal of EcologyView Article2021YesAerenchyma, biomass accumulation, flooding, redox potential, shoot elongation, soil moisture, specific gravity efficacy, meta-analysis
    Combined effect of herbivory and salinity stress on the common reed, Phragmites australisJennifer SoukupUniversity of Rhode IslandView Article2020NoSalinity, herbivory, biomass, sucrose
    Competition among native and invasive Phragmites australis populations: An experimental test of the effects of invasion status, genome size, and ploidy levelPetr Pysek, Jan Cuda, Petr Smilauer, Hana Skalova, Zuzana Chumova, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lucanova, Hana Rysava, Pavel Travnicek, Kristyna Semberova, Laura A. MeyersonEcology and EvolutionView Article2020NoCommon Reed, Europe, Genome Size, Intraspecific Competition, Native Populations, North America, Plant Invasion, Ploidy Level, PSC
    Contrasting Patterns in Diversity and Community Assembly of Phragmites australis Root-Associated Bacterial Communities from Different SeasonsRujia He, Jin Zeng, Dayong Zhao, Rui Huang, Zhongbo Yu, Qinglong L. WuApplied and Environmental MicrobiologyView Article2020YesAssembly Processes, Bacterial Community, Common Reed, Endosphere, Rhizosphere
    Contribution of plant-induced pressurized flow to CH4 emission from a Phragmites fenMerit van den Berg, Eva van den Elzen, Joachim Ingwersen, Sarian Kosten, Leon P. M. Lamers, Thilo StreckScientific ReportsView Article2020NoGas transport pathway, methane CH4 oxidation, gas emission
    Dark septate endophyte improves salt tolerance of native and invasive lineages of Phragmites australisMartina Gonzalez Mateu, Andrew H. Baldwin, Jude E. Maul, Stephanie A. YarwoodThe ISME JournalView Article2020NoFreshwater Ecology, Fungal Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Plant Ecology
    Development of an automated monitoring platform for invasive plants in a rare Great Lakes ecosystem using uncrewed aerial systems and convolutional neural networksJoshua G. Cohen, Matthew J. LewisInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersView Article2020Yesecology, environmental science computing, geophysics computing, image classification, lakes, neural nets
    Genetic diversity of native and introduced Phragmites (common reed) in WisconsinNicholas P. Tippery, Jared D. Pesch, Brandon J. Murphy, Rachel L. BautzmannGeneticaView Article2020YesSubspecies, hybridization, genetic variation, allelic diversity
    Growth and Behavior of North American Microbes on Phragmites australis LeavesAaron E. DeVries, Kurt P. Kowalski, Wesley A. BickfordMicroorganismsView Article2020NoGermination, Invasion, Disease, Barcode, Microbiome, Pathogen, Endophyte, PSC
    Invasive species and biotic homogenization in temperate aquatic plant communitiesRanjan Muthukrishnan, Daniel J. LarkinGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyView Article2020YesAquatic Diversity, Biotic Homogenization, Invasive Species, Lake, Native Species
    Lineage and latitudinal variation in Phragmites australis tolerance to herbivory: implications for invasion successJordan R. Croy, Laura A. Meyerson, Warwick J. Allen, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, James T. CroninOikosView Article2020YesBiogeography, Biotic Resistance, Enemy Release, Invasive Plant, Plant Defenses, Tolerance Resistance Tradeoff, PSC
    Mapping invasive Phragmites australis using unmanned aircraft system imagery, canopy height models, and synthetic aperture radarConnor John AndersonThesis, University of MinnesotaView Article2020NoUAS imagery, remote sensing, radar, object-based image analysis, canopy height model
    Mapping Phragmites australis live fractional cover in the Lower Mississippi River Delta, LouisianaAmina Rangoonwala, Rebecca J. Howard, Elijah W. Ramsey IIIUS Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020-1131View Article2020NoNDVI, vegetation index, live fraction cover, remote sensing, satellite imagery, Landsat, Sentinel-2
    Nesting Effectiveness of Red Mason Bee Osmia rufa (L.) in Reed Stalk Phragmites australis (Cav.)Pawel Micholap, Marcin Cierpisz, Aneta Sikora, Marcin SikoraJournal of Apicultural ScienceView Article2020NoNesting material, Osmia rufa, preferences, solitary bee management
    Nitrogen immobilization may reduce invasibility of nutrient enriched plant community invaded by Phragmites australisMd Nazim Uddin, Randall William Robinson, Takashi AsaedaScientific ReportsView Article2020NoGreenhouse, Nitrogen, Productivity, Diversity, Invasibility, Wetland Community, Restoration, Biomass
    Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) reared from galls of Giraudiella inclusa (Frauenfeld, 1862) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Phragmites australis in Kent, EnglandM. T. JenningsEntomologist's Monthly MagazineView Article2020YesBiodiversity, England, gall, Giraudiella inclusa, parasitoid community, Phragmites
    Plant Invasions and Microbes: The Interactive Effects of Plant-Associated Microbes on Invasiveness of Phragmites australisWesley BickfordPhD Dissertation, University of MichiganView Article2020NoInvasive Species, Plant-Soil Feedback, Plant-Microbial Interactions, PSC
    Response of a wetland plant community to management of Phragmities australis (Poaceae) in Southwestern ConnecticutEdward K. Faison, Geordie Elkins, Kathleen Kitka, David R. FosterRhodoraView Article2020YesBiodiversity, Wetland, Community Reponse, Removal
    Rooting depth and below ground biomass in a freshwater coastal marsh invaded by European Reed (Phragmites australis) compared with remnant uninvaded sites at Long Point, OntarioCalvin Lei, Sarah J. Yuckin, Rebecca C. RooneyJournal of Soils and SedimentsView Article2020NoBelow Ground Biomass, Coastal Marsh, Common Reed, Ecosystem Effects, Invasive Species, Lake Erie, Rhizomes, Roots, Wetland
    Scale insect infestation of Phragmites australis in the Mississippi River delta, USA: Do fungal microbiomes play a role?Caitlin R. BumbyTulane UniversityView Article2020NoFungal microbes, scale, herbivory
    Shoreline modification affects recruitment of invasive Phragmites australisMelissa K. McCormick, Dennis F. Whigham, Jared R. Stapp, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Eliza K. McFarland, Karin M. KettenringWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2020YesPhragmites australis, Invasion, Genotypic richness, Shoreline hardening, Wetland
    Temporal filters for mapping Phragmites with C-HH SAR dataLori White, Brian Brisco, Kevin Murnaghan, Jon Pasher, Jason DuffeCanadian Journal of Remote SensingView Article2020NoRemote sensing, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), multi-temporal filters
    The impacts of invasive ecosystem engineers in freshwaters: A reviewHolly E. Emery-Butcher, Stephen J. Beatty, Belinda J. RobsonFreshwater BiologyView Article2020NoAquatic Environments, Ecosystem Disturbance, Habitat Alteration, Invasive Species, Species Trait
    Tidal effects on ecosystem CO2 exchange in a Phragmites salt marsh of an intertidal shoalYing Huang, Zihan Chen, Bo Tian, Cheng Zhou, Jiangtao Wang, Zhenming Ge, Jianwu TangAgricultural and Forest MeteorologyView Article2020YesCoastal wetland, tidal effect, eddy-covariance, carbon dioxide flux, meteorological controls
    A review of the ecological effects of European Common Reed (Phragmites australis) on fishes and fish habitat in North AmericaEmillie Elizabeth RoseThe Journal of Student Science and Technology 11.1View Article2019NoPhragmites, Invasive, Aquatic, Fish, Habitat
    Abiotic and landscape factors constrain restoration outcomes across spatial scales of a widespread invasive plantChristine B. Rohal, Chad Cranney, Karin M. KettenringPlant Science 18, 2019View Article2019NoSpatial Scale, Phragmites Australis, Management, Invasive Species Control, Restoration, Contigency
    Across shore differences in lake benthic invertebrate communities within reed stands (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.)Oliver Miler, Magdalena Czarnecka, Xavier-Francois Garcia, Anne Jager, Martin PuschInternational Review of Hydrobiology 103(5-6), pp. 99-112.View Article2019YesDiversity, Functional Metrics, Indicator Taxa, Organic Matter, Riverine Lakes
    An analysis of invasive species management in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada: establishment of a database to improve knowledge sharingLyn BrownMasters thesis, Brock UniversityView Article2019NoInvasive Species, Database, Ecosystem Approach Principles, Management, Control Techniques
    Anaerobic digestion of wetland biomass from conservation management for biogas productionSlawomir Roj-Rojewski, Agnieszka Wysocka-Czubaszek, Robert Czubaszek, Andrzej Kamocki, Piotr BanaszukBiomass and Bioenergy 122, pp. 126-132.View Article2019YesWetland Biomass, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas Production, Specific Methane Yield, Harvest Time
    Ancient buoyancy devices in Sweden: floats made of reed, club-rush, inflated skins and animal bladdersIsak Lidstrom, Ingvar SvanbergJournal of Ethnological Studies 57(2), pp. 85-94.View Article2019YesChild Culture, Ethnobiology, Sport History, Physical Eduation, Swimming, Equipment, Traditional Games
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi effect growth and photosynthesis of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex. Steudel under copper stressJ.T. Wu, L. Wang, L. Zhao, X.C. Huang, F. MaPlant Biology.View Article2019NoArbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Copper, Itraq, Photosynthesis, Phragmites Australis
    Carbon dioxide fluxes of temperate urban wetlands with different restoration historyK.V.R. Schafer, T. Duman, K. Tomasicchio, R. Tripathee, C. SturtevantAgricultural and Forest Meteorology 275, pp 223-232View Article2019YesNet Ecosystem Exchange, Wetland Restoration, Urban Temperate Wetland
    Cattle grazing for invasive Phragmites australis (common reed) management in Northern Utah wetlandsBrittany L. Duncan, Rich Hansen, Keith Hambrecht, Chad Cranney, Jennifer J. Follstad Shah, Kari E. Veblen, Karin M. KettenringUtah State University Extension Fact SheetView Article2019NoCattle Grazing, Utilization, Management, Control
    Control of Invasive Phragmites Increases Marsh Birds but not FrogsDouglas C. Tozer, Stuart A. MackenzieCanadian Wildlife Biology & ManagementView Article2019NoCommon Reed, Frog Abundance, Great Lakes, Herbicide, Invasive Species, Marsh Birds, Phragmites Australis Australis, Wetland
    Differences in functional traits of leaf blade and culm of common reed in four habitat typesMun Gi Hong, Bo Eun Nam, Jae Geun KimJournal of Ecology and Environment 43.1, pp 12View Article2019NoLagoon, Montane Fen, Phragmites Australis, Riparian Marsh, Salt Marsh
    Does hybrid Phragmites australis differ from native and introduced lineages in reproductive, genetic, and morphological traits?Jared Williams, Adam M. Lambert, Randy Long, Kristin SaltonstallBotanyView Article2019NoCommon Reed, Cryptic Invasion, Ecosystem Management, Genotype, Intraspecific Hybridization, Invasive Species, Lineage, Poaceae
    Ecosystem functioning of Great Salt Lake wetlandsMaya Cassidy PendletonUtah State University MSc ThesisView Article2019NoEcosystem Services, Ecosystem Processes, Multifunctionality, Wetland, Effects
    Effect of human activities on floristic composition and diversity of desert and urban vegetation in a new urbanized desert ecosystemMahmoud O. Hassan, Yasser M. HassanHeliyon 5(8)View Article2019NoEnvironmental Science, Ecology, Urbanization, Weeds, Florisitic Diversity
    Effective phosphorous reduction by a riparian plant buffer zone enhanced with a limestone-based barrierWojciech Fratczak, Dorota Michalska-Hejduk, Maciej Zalewski, Katarzyna IzydorczykEcological Engineering 130, pp. 94-100.View Article2019YesPhosphorus Removal, Ca-Rich Materials, Nutrient Uptake, Ecohydrological Biotechnology, Nature-Based Solution
    Effects of plant diversity on carbon dioxide emissions and carbon removal in laboratory-scale constructed wetlandHongying Sun, Quanwei Xin, Zhihui Ma, Siren LanEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research 26(5), pp. 5076-5082.View Article2019YesCarbon Fixation Rate, Microbial Biomass, Microcosms, Plant Diversity, Plant Species, Species Richness
    Elemental composition and fungal colonisation of decomposing Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. litter at different water regimesMatevz Likar, Natasa Dolinar, Katarina Vogel-Mikus, Alenka Gaberscik, Marjana RegvarActa Biological Slovenica 61(2), pp. 71-84.View Article2019NoLitter Decomposition, Fungal Community, Elemental Composition, Intermittent Habitat, Wetland
    Enhancement of rhizocompetence in pathogenic bacteria removal of a constructed wetland systemMarwa Ben Saad, Myriam Ben Said, Isabel Sanz-Saez, Olga Sanchez, Jordi Morata, Latifa Bousselmi, Ahmed GhrabiWater Science and Technology 28View Article2019NoAntagonism, Bioinoculation, Constructed Wetland, Rhizosphere, Wastewater
    Establishment and potential use of woody species in treatment wetlandsZhanna Grebenshchykova, Chloe Fredette, Florent Chazarenc, Yves Comeau, Jacques BrissonInternational Journal of PhytoremediationView Article2019YesHerbaceous Species, Plant Selection, Treatment Wetland, Wastewater Treatment, Woody Species
    Evaluating Phragmites australis management: Impacts of herbicide management on plant community composition of Great Lakes coastal wetlandsJake Eugene BonelloMasters thesis, Eastern Michigan UniversityView Article2019NoHerbicide Management, Coastal Wetlans, Great Lakes, Floristic Quality, Diversity
    Evaluating the performance of rope-wick herbicides applicator to control common reedAdnan Hussein Al-Wagaa, Ibraheem Ahmed Hadi Al-Obadui, Hameed A. K. Alfarttoosi, Omar Abdulrazzaq AL-GburiIOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental ScienceView Article2019NoHerbicide Treatments, Glyphosate, Fluazifop-Butyl, Control, Application, Rope Wick, Sprayer
    Fine-scale remobilization of phosphorus by rooted macrophytes (Phragmites australis) growth in lake sediments: evidence from a holistic growth period simulation studyJuhua Yu, Jicheng Zhong, Yushu Zhang, Hong Ding, Chao Chen, Xiangzhou Zheng, Mingxi Xu, Yinlong ZhangJournal of Soils and SedimentsView Article2019YesAquatic Macrophytes, Dgt, Eutrophication, Lake Restoration, Phosphorus, Sediment
    Flow dynamics and turbulence patterns in a drainage channel colonized by common reed (Phragmites australis) under different scenarios of vegetation managementAlessandro Errico, Giuseppe Francesco Cesare Lama, Simona Francalanci, Giovanni Battista Chirico, Luca Solari, Federico PretiEcological EngineeringView Article2019YesVegetated Flow, Real Scale Experiment, Turbulent Kinetic Energy, Phragmites Australis, Vegetation Management
    Identification of most spectrally distinguishable phenological stage of invasive Phragmites australis in Lake Erie wetlands (Canada) for accurate mapping using multispectral satellite imageryPrabha Amali Rupasinghe, Patricia Chow-FraserWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2019YesPhragmites, Wetlands, Multispectral Images, Svm Classification
    Intraspecific facilitation explains the persistence of Phragmites australis in modified coastal wetlandsValerie C. Reijers, Marloes van den Akker, Peter M. J. M. Cruijsen, Leon P. M. Lamers, Tjisse van der HeideECOSPHEREView Article2019NoCoastal Wetlands, Habitat Modification, Osmoregulation, Phragmites Australis, Restoration, Self-Reinforcing Feedback, Sulfide Toxicity
    Invasive Phragmites australis management outcomes and native plant recovery are context dependentChristine B. Rohal, Chad Cranney, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Karin M. KettenringEcology and EvolutionView Article2019NoContingency, Herbicide, Invasive Plant Management, Phragmites Australis, Utah
    Isolation and characterization of a halotolerant, hydrocarbon-degrading endophytic bacterium from halobiotic reeds (Phragmites australis) growing in petroleum-contaminated soilTao Wu, Jie Xu, Wei-Hua Guo, Jiang-Bao Xia, Xiao-Bin Li, Ren-Qing WangScience of Advanced MaterialsView Article2019YesEndophytic Bacteria, Halotolerance, Hydrocarbon Biodegradation, Phragmites Australis, Pseudomonas Stutzeri
    Large-scale remediation of oil-contaminated water using floating treatment wetlandsMuhammad Afzal, Khadeeja Rehman, Ghulam Shabir, Razia Tahseen, Amna Ijaz, Amer J. Hashmat, Hans Brixnpj Clean WaterView Article2019NoBioremediation, Contamination, Hydrocarbon, Water Treatment, Rhizosphere, Bacterial Community
    Macrophyte cover type and groundwater as the key drivers of the extremely high organic carbon concentration of soda pansEmil Boros, Katalin V.-Balogh, Bianka Csitari, Lajos Voros, Anna SzekelyFreshwater BiologyView Article2019NoDom, Emergent Macrophyte, Groundwater Effect, High Ph, Interannual Variability
    Mapping invasive Phragmites australis in the Old Woman Creek Estuary using UAV remote sensing and machine learning classifiersTharindu Abeysinghe, Anita Simic Milas, Kristin Arend, Breann Hohman, Patrick Reil, Andrew Gregory, Angelica Vazquez-OrtegaRemote SensingView Article2019NoPhragmites Australis, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Invasive, Machine Learning, Onject-Based Classifiers
    Physiology of a plant invasion: biomass production, growth and tissue chemistry of invasive and native Phragmites australis populationsPetr Pysek, Hana Skalova, Jan Cuda, Wen-Yong Guo, Jan Dolezal, Ondrej Kauzal, Carla Lambertini, Klara Pyskova, Hans Brix, Laura A. MeyersonPresliaView Article2019NoBelow- And Aboveground Biomass, Climate, Common Reed, Growth Traits, Intraspecific Differentiation, N And P Concentrations, Photosynthesis, Phragmites Australis, Phylogeography, Physiological Traits, Plant Invasion, Specific Leaf Area, PSC
    Phytoremediation potential and control of Phragmites australis as a green phytomass: an overviewShahabaldin Rezania, Junboum Park, Parveen Fatemeh Rupani, Negisa Darajeh, Xin Xu, Rahim ShahrokhishahrakiEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchView Article2019YesPhragmites Australis, Heavy Metals, Nutrients, Phytoremediation, Soil, Sediment, Value-Added Products
    Root and shoot biomass growth of constructed floating wetlands plants in saline environmentsOriana Sanicola, Terry Lucke, Michael Stewart, Katharina Tondera, Christopher WalkerEnviornmental Research and Public HealthView Article2019NoConstructed Floating Wetlands, Stormwater Pollution, Plant Biomass
    Sediment microbiomes associated with the rhizosphere of emergent macrophytes in a shallow, subtropical lakeRui Huang, Jin Zeng, Dayong Zhao, Katherine V. Cook, K. David Hambright, Zhongbo YuLimnology and OceanographyView Article2019NoRhizosphere, Sediment, Microbiome, Bacterial Communities, Macrophyte Roots
    Sediment phosphorus release in response to flood event across different land covers in a restored wetlandChengrong Peng, Yun Zhang, Shun Huang, Xiaoyan Li, Zhicong Wang, Dunhai LiEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research.View Article2019YesSubmergence, Restored Wetland, Soil Phosphorus Release, Land Cover, Freshwater Lakes
    Shared histories of co-evolution may affect trophic interactions in a freshwater community dominated by alien speciesPhillip J. Haubrock, Paride Balzani, Martina Azzini, Alberto F. Inghilesi, Lukas Vesely, Wei Guo, Elena TricaricoFrontiers in Ecology and EvolutionView Article2019NoStable Isotopes, Stomach Contents, Community Structure, Mixing Models, Feeding Ecology, Interactions
    Significant increase in nutrient stocks following Phragmites australis invasion of freshwater meadow marsh but not of cattail marshSarah Yuckin, Rebecca RooneyFrontiers in Environmental Science.View Article2019NoCanada Bluejoint, Cattail Marsh, Common Reed, Exotic Species, Invasive Species, Meadow Marsh, Nutrient Retention, Nutrient Stocks
    Species diversity and functional prediction of soil bacterial communities in constructed wetlands with different plant conditionsWeiguo Fu, Yuxuan Wang, Wei Wei, Pingping LiCurrent MicrobiologyView Article2019YesSoil Bacteria, Communities, Constructed Wetland, Nitrification
    The independent effects of nutrient enrichment and pulsed nutrient delivery on a common wetland invader and its native conspecificDanielle M. Frevola, Stephen M. HovickOecologiaView Article2019YesPhragmites Australis, Invasive Species, Phenotypic Plasticity, Leaf Traits, Anthropogenic Land-Use
    Unravelling the role of vegetation in the attenuation of contaminants of emerging concern from wetland systems: Preliminary results from column studiesAgnes de la Paz, Nestor Salinas, Victor MatamorosWater ResearchView Article2019YesContaminants Of Emerging Concern, Wastewater, Vegetation, Removal, Chemical Signalling, Root Exudates
    Using unmanned aerial vehicles for vegetation mapping and identification of botanical species in wetlandsAndrea Bertacchi, Vittoria Giannini, Carmelo Di Franco, Nicola SilvestriLandscape and Ecological EngineeringView Article2019YesUavs, Aerial Photos, Vegetation Map, Wetland, Phragmites, Myriophyllum, Tuscany
    Vegetation dynamics under water-level fluctuations: Implications for wetland restorationQiang Liu, Jingling Liu, Haifei Liu, Liqiao Liang, YanPeng Cai, Xuan Wang, Chunhui LiJournal of HydrologyView Article2019YesWetland, Water-Level Flucuations, Suitable Water Level, Tvet Model, Shallow Water Level
    When misconceptions impede best practices: evidence supports biological control of invasive PhragmitesBernd Blossey, Stacy B. Endriss, Richard Casagrande, Patrick Hafliger, Hariet Hinz, Andrea Davalos, Carrie Brown-Lima, Lisa Tewksbury, Robert S. BourchierBiological InvasionsView Article2019NoBiological Control, Host Specificity, Invasive Plant Species Management, Phragmites
    Why are tall-statured energy grasses of polyploid species complexes potentially invasive? A review of their genetic variation patterns and evolutionary plasticityCarla LambertiniBiological InvasionsView Article2019YesAdaptation, Dispersal, Gene Flow, Hybridization, Polyploidy, Poplulation Structure, Seeds, Species Complex, Vegetative
    AFLP Approach Reveals Variability in Phragmites australis: Implications for Its Die-Back and Evidence for Genotoxic EffectsAndrea Coppi, Lorenzo Lastrucci, David Cappelletti, Martina Cerri, Francesco Ferranti, Valentina Ferri, Bruno Foggi, Daniela Gigante, Roberto Venanzoni, Daniele Viciani, Roberta Selvaggi, Lara RealeFrontiers in Plant ScienceView Article2018NoOutlier Loci, Heavy Metals, Dna Fingerprinting, Common Reed, Wetlands, Central Italy
    Biosorption of mercury by Reed (Phragmites australis) as a Potential clean water technologyPaula Cecilia Soto-Rios, Marco Antonio Leon-Romero, Otongtuya Sukhbaatar, Osamu NishimuraWater, Air & Soil ConservationView Article2018NoBiosorption, Mercury, Reed
    Comparative study of epiphytic algal communities on Typha latifolia L. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud in the shallow Gala Lake (European Part of Turkey)Oterler BurakJournal of Oceanography and LimnologyView Article2018NoCommunity Structure, Epiphytic Algae, Shallow Lake, Typha Latifola, Phragmites Australis
    Complementary responses of morphology and physiology enhance the stand scale production of a model invasive species under elevated CO2 and nitrogenThomas J. Mozder, Joshua S. CaplanFunctional EcologyView Article2018NoCarbon Dioxide, Functional Traits, Global Change, Leaf Morphology, Nitrogen Eutrophication, Photosynthesis, Phragmites Australis (Common Reed)
    Decomposition of Standing Litter Biomass in Newly Constructed Wetlands Associated with Direct Effects of Sediment and Water Characteristics and the Composition and Activity of the Decomposer Community Using Phragmites australis as a Single Standard SubstrateCiska C. Overbeek, Harm G. van der Geest, E. Emiel van Loon, Wim AdmiraalWetlandsView Article2018NoPhragmites Australis, Decomposer Community, In Situ Experiment, All-Possible-Subsets Regression
    Detecting the effects of biological invasion and subsequent control efforts on wetland ecological processesSarah YuckinGraduate thesis - University of WaterlooView Article2018NoNet Primary Production, Macronutrient, Ecosystem Function
    Disease protection and allelopathic interactions of seed-transmitted endophytic pseudomonads of invasive reed grass (Phragmites australis)James F. White, Kathryn I. Kingsley, Kurt P. Kowalski, Ivelisse Irizarry, April Micci, Marcos A. Soares, Marshall S. BergenPlant SoilView Article2018YesBioherbicide, Ecosystem Engineering, Microbiome, Pseudomonas, Reactive Oxygen, Rhizophagy, Phragmites, Symbiosis, PSC
    Does the genetic variability of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud determine the spatial distribution of the species?Dariusz Swierk, Michal Krzyzaniak, Tomasz Kosiada, Piotr Urbanski, Jolanta Behnke-BorowczykOceanographical and Hydrobiological StudiesView Article2018YesPhragmites Australis, Genetic Variability, Morphological Features, Soil And Bottom Sediment Chemical Content
    Effects of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations on the response of two Common Reed (Phragmites australis) haplotypes to glyphosateCandice M. Prince, Gregory E. MacDonald, John E. EricksonInvasive Plant Science and Management View Article2018NoRyan M. Wersal, Minnesota State University, Chemical Control, Climate Change, Herbicide, Invasive Species
    Effects of European common reed on Blandings turtle spatial ecologyChantel E. Markle, Patricia Chow-FraserJournal of Wildlife ManagementView Article2018YesEmydoidea Blandingii, European Common Reed, Great Lakes, Habitat Selection, Home Range, Invasive Species, Phragmites Australis, Reptile, Wetland
    Effects of Phragmites management on the ecology of a wetlandAmy Krzton-Presson, Brett Davis, Kirk Raper, Katlyn Hitz, Christopher Mecklin, Howard WhitemanNortheastern NaturalistView Article2018YesHabitat Restoration, Monitoring, Water Chemistry, Wildlife Diversity, Stable-Isotope, Herbicide, Treatment
    Efficacy of glyphosate and fluazifop-P-butyl herbicides with adjuvants at different levels of cutting for the common reed (Phragmites australis)Ahmed Ibrahim El-TokhyJournal of Plant Protection ResearchView Article2018NoAdjuvants, Fluazifop-P-Butyl, Glyphosate, Herbicide, Phragmites
    Estimating the Aboveground Biomass of Phragmites australis (Common Reed) Based on Multi-Source DataYingkun Du, Jing Wang, Yifan Lin, Zhengjun Liu, Haiying Yu, Haiyan YiIGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumView Article2018YesAboveground Biomass, Hyperspectral Data, Lidar, Phragmites Australis, Wetland Vegetation
    Fungal Disease Prevention in Seedlings of Rice (Oryza sativa) and Other Grasses by Growth-Promoting Seed-Associated Endophytic Bacteria from Invasive Phragmites australisSatish K. Verma, Kathryn L. Kingsley, Marshall S. Bergen, Kurt P. Kowalski, James F. WhiteMicroorganismsView Article2018NoAntifungal Activity, Biocontrol, Disease Suppression, Seedling Development, PSC
    Genetic and epigenetic changes during the invasion of a cosmopolitan species (Phragmites australis)Lele Liu, Cuiping Pei, Shuna Liu, Xiao Guo, Ning Du, Weihua GuoEcology and EvolutionView Article2018NoDan Methylation, Epigenetics, Methylation-Sensitive Amplification Polymorphism, Phragmites Australis, Plant Invasion
    Genetic survey on a reed-bed in Central Italy showing early die-back symptomsEdoardo Sarti, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Daniela Gigante and Andrea CoppiBiologiaView Article2018YesAflp Approach, Genetic Structure, Historical Vegetation Map Analysis, Phragmites Australis, Tuscany
    Geographic variation in apparent competition between native and invasive Phragmites australisGanesh P Bhattarai, Laura A Meyerson, James T CroninEcologyView Article2018YesApparent Competition, Enemy Release, Hyalopterus Pruni, Indirect Interactions, Invasive Plant, Latitudinal Gradients, Lipara Sp., Plant-Herbivore Interactions, PSC
    Grasses as appropriate targets in weed biocontrol: is the common reed, Phragmites australis, an anomaly?Richard A. Casagrande, Patrick Hafliger, Hariet L. Hinz, Lisa Tewksbury, Bernd BlosseyBiocontrolView Article2018YesDemography, Host Specificity, Non Target Effects, Risk Assessment, Phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud, Weed Biocontrol
    Grazer deterrence and fungal inhibition by the invasive marsh grass Phragmites australis and the native sedge Bolboschoenus robustus in a mesohaline marshC. E. Kicklighter, S. Duca, A. K. S. Jozwick, H. Locke, C. Hundley, B. Hite, G. HannifinChemoecologyView Article2018YesAntifungal, Estuarine, Plant-Herbivore, Resistance To Herbivory, Wetland
    High grazing pressure of geese threatens conservation and restoration of reed beltsElisabeth S. Bakker, Ciska G. F. Veen, Gerard J. N. Ter Heerdt, Naomi Huig, Judith M. SarneelFrontiers in Plant ScienceView Article2018NoAnser Anser, Aquatic Plant, Exclosure, Herbivory, Landscape Configuration, Phragmites Australis, Restoration, Wetland
    Host specificity and risk assessment of Archanara geminipuncta and Archanara neurica, two potential biocontrol agents for invasive Phragmites australis in North AmericaBernd Blossey, Patrick Hafliger, Lisa Tewksbury, Andrea Davalos, Richard CasagrandeBiological ControlView Article2018YesArchanara Geminiuncta, Archanara Neurica, Biological Weed Control, Common Reed, Host Specificity, Phragmites, Sub-Species Level Specificity, Wetlands Management
    Impacts of Phragmites australis Invasion on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Abundance of Tidal MarshesSunghyun Kim, Jiyoung Kang, J. Patrick Megonigal, Hojeong Kang, Jooyoung Seo, Weixin DingSoil MicrobiologyView Article2018YesMicrobial Activity, Microbial Abundance, Salt Marsh, Ch4 Emission, Phragmites Invasion
    Impacts of Phragmites australis management on wetland plant community recovery, seedbank composition, and the physical environment in the Chesapeake BayEric L. G. HazeltonUtah State University Doctoral thesisView Article2018NoCommon Reed, Ecological Restoration, Herbicide, Invasive Plant, Invasive Species, Management, Phragmites Australis, Watershed Restoration
    Influence of die-back syndrome on reproductive strategies within Phragmites australis populationsMartina Cerri, Francesco Ferranti, Andrea Coppi, Bruno Foggi, Daniela Gigante, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Andrea Onofri, Roberto Venanzoni, Daniele Viciani, Lara RealePlant BiosystemsView Article2018YesClonal Propagation, Die-Back, Seed Germination, Seed Viability, Sexual Reproduction
    Intraspecific and biogeographical variation in foliar fungal communities and pathogen damage of native and invasive Phragmites australisWarwick J. Allen, Aaron E. DeVries, Nicholas J. Bologna, Wesley A. Bickford, Kurt P. Kowalski, Laura A. Meyerson, James T. CroninGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyView Article2018YesBiotic Resistance, Diversity, Endophytes, Enemy Release, Genotype, Invasive Plant, Latitudinal Gradients, Native Plant, Phragmites Australis, Plant-Fungi Interactions, PSC
    Intraspecific variation in indirect plant soil feedbacks influences a wetland plant invasionWarwick J. Allen, Laura A. Meyerson, Andrew J. Flick, James T. CroninEcologyView Article2018yesIndirect Interactions, Interspecific Competition, Invasive Species, Nutrients, Phragmites Australis, Soil Biota, Soil Legacy, Spartina Alterniflora, Spillover, PSC
    Invasive Phragmites australis management in Great Salt Lake wetlands: Context dependency and scale effects on vegetation and seed banksChristine B. RohalUtah State University Doctoral thesisView Article2018NoContingency, Herbicide, Invasive Plant Management, Phragmites Australis, Restoration, Utah
    Investigating the temporal and spatial variability of flow and salinity levels in an ungaged watershed for ecological benefits:A case study of the Mentor Marsh watershedHari DhungelYoungstown State University Masters thesisView Article2018NoCreek, Phragmites, Salinity, Marsh, Swat, Levelogger, Barolloger, Mentor Marsh Watershed
    Living in two worlds: Evolutionary mechanisms act differently in the native and introduced ranges of an invasive plantWen-Yong Guo, Carla Lambertini, Petr Pysek, Laura A Meyerson, Hans BrixEcology and Evolution.View Article2018NoBiological Invasion, Common Reed, Evolution, Human Activities, Isolation By Distance, Isolation By Environment, Landscape Genetics, Phragmites, Spatial Genetic Structure, PSC
    Long-term habitat changes in a protected area: Implications for herpetofauna habitat management and restorationChantel E. Markle, Gillian Chow-Fraser, Patricia Chow-FraserPLoS ONEView Article2018NoHerpetofauna Diversity, Aerial Image Analysis, Habitat, Connectivity, Wetland, Restoration
    Mapping freshwater marsh species in the wetlands of Lake Okeechobee using very high-resolution aerial photography and lidar dataCaiyun Zhangg, Sara Denka, Deepak R. MishraInternational Journal of Remote SensingView Article2018YesAbundance, Distribution, Habitat Change, Restoration, Florida, Lidar, Aerial Image Analysis
    Microbial Response to Salt Marsh RestorationChristopher A. LynumBachelor of Science thesis, Northeastern UniversityView Article2018NoMicrobial Community, Salinity, Restoration
    Monitoring Spatial Variability and Temporal Dynamics of Phragmites Using Unmanned Aerial VehiclesViktor R. TothFrontiers in Plant ScienceView Article2018NoUav, Ndvi, Phenology, Macrophyte, Die-Back, Mowing
    Morphological and anatomical changes of Phragmites australis Cav. due to the uptake and accumulation of heavy metals from polluted soilsTatiana Minkina, Grigoriy Fedorenko, Dina Nevidomskaya, Aleksei Fedorenko, Victor Chaplygin, Saglara MandzhievaScience of the Total EnvironmentView Article2018YesHeavy Metals, Spolic Technosols, Phragmites Australis Cav., Anthropogenic Contamination, Ultrastructure, Plastids
    Morphological responses to competition modulated by abiotic factors in two monoculture-forming wetland plantsAlexander D. Ameen, Alexander S.Kolker, Caz M.TayloraAquatic BotanyView Article2018YesCompetition, Stressors, Nitrogen, Salinity, Soil Organic Matter, Restoration
    Native plant recovery following three years of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) controlChristopher L. Zimmerman, Rebecca R. Shirer, Jeffrey D. CorbinInvasive Plant Science and ManagementView Article2018NoJohn Cardina, Ohio State University, Community Composition, Herbicide, Invasion Control, Hudson River, Monitoring, Restoration, Tidal Wetlands
    Nitrogen uptake kinetics and saltmarsh plant responses to global changeGrace M. Cott, Joshua S. Caplan, Thomas J. MozdzerScientific ReportsView Article2018NoCoastal Wetland, Nitrogen, Community, Productivity, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change, Carbon Sink
    Phyllobacterium phragmitis sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Phragmites australis rhizome in Kumtag DesertLi-xiong Liang, Qi-wu Sun, Nan Hui, Xiao-xia Zhang, Lu-bin Li, Lei LiuAntonie van LeeuwenhoekView Article2018YesPhragmites Australis, Phyllobacterium, Novel Species, Rhizome
    Provenance of invaders has scale-dependent impacts in a changing wetland ecosystemKathryn L. Amatangelo, Lee Stevens, Douglas A. Wilcox, Stephen T. Jackson, Dov F. SaxNeoBiotaView Article2018NoWetland, Invasion, Exotic, Phragmites, Typha, Scale, Richness
    Root endophytes and invasiveness: no difference between native and nonnative Phragmites in the Great Lakes RegionWesley A. Bickford, Deborah E. Goldberg, Kurt P. Kowalski, Donald R. ZakEcosphereView Article2018NoBacteria, Endophytes, Fungi, Invasive Plants, Microbes, Mutualists, Oomycetes, Pathogens, Plant-Microbial Interactions, Roots, Soil Saturation, PSC
    Salinity and Inundation Tolerance of Phragmites australis ssp. americanus: A Greenhouse Experiment and Field Study on a Tributary of the Chesapeake BayDiane E Leason, Andrew H BaldwinThesis, University of MarylandView Article2018NoEnvironmental Science, Plant Sciences, Inundation, Native Plants, Phragmities, Restoration, Salt Tolerance, Wetland
    Short-term impacts of Phragmites management on nutrient budgets and plant communities in Great Lakes coastal freshwater marshesKristin E. Judd, Steven N. FrancoeurWetlands Ecology and ManagementView Article2018YesGlyphosate, Herbicide, Invasive Species Management, Nutrient Retention, Phragmites Australis, Wetland Ecosystem Services
    Slashing Phragmites (Phragmites australis) prior to planting does not promote native vegetation establishmentJoe Greet, Elise KingEcological Management & RestorationView Article2018YesCompetition, Phragmites Australis, Plant Invasions,Reed Slashing, Wetland Forest Restoration, Woody Plant Establishment
    Slope and soil nutrients can explain the distribution of Phragmites australis and Phragmites japonica in riparian wetlandsHyun Jun Park, Bo Eun Nam, Mun Gi Hong, Jae Geun KimRiver Research and ApplicationsView Article2018YesCommon Reed, Correspondence Correlation Analysis, Generalized Linear Model, Niche Separation, Runner Reed, Soil Nutrient
    Small genome separates native and invasive populations in an ecologically important cosmopolitan grassPetr Pysek, Hana Skalova, Jan Cuda, Wen-Yong Guo, Jan Suda, Jan Dolezal, Ondrej Kauzal, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lucanova, Terezie Mandakova, Lenka Moravcova, Klara Pyskova, Hans Brix, Laura A. MeyersonEcologyView Article2018NoBiogeography, Climate, Common Reed, Plant Invasion, Source Population, Species Traits, PSC
    Soil factors determining the distribution of Phragmites australis and Phacerlurus latifolius in upper tidal zoneBo Eun Nam, Mun Gi Hong, Hyun Jun Park, Jae Geun KimJournal of Ecology and EnvironmentView Article2018NoCommon Reed, Halotypes, Redundancy Analysis, Soil Salinity, Tidal Channel
    Taxonomic structure and function of seed-inhabiting bacterial microbiota from common reed (Phragmites australis) and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia L.)Ting Gao, Xian-Yang ShiArchives of MicrobiologyView Article2018YesBacterial Seed Endophytes, Common Reed, Narrowleaf Cattail, Pyrosequencing
    The effect of water velocity on nitrate removal in vegetated waterwaysGiuseppe Castaldelli, Vassilis Aschonitis, Fabio Vincenzi, Elisa Anna Fano, Elisa SoanaJournal of Environmental ManagementView Article2018YesNo3 Removal, Denitrification, Aquatic Vegetation, Flow Velocity, Slow-Flow Waterways, Wetlands
    The influence of an invasive plant on denitrification in an urban wetlandSarah S. Roley, Michael R. Grace, Perran L.M. CookFreshwater BiologyView Article2018YesCoupled Nitrification-Denitrification, Nitrogen, Stable Isotopes, Phragmites Australis, Typha Domingensis
    The Role of Propagule Type, Resource Availability, and Seed Source in Phragmites Invasion in Chesapeake Bay WetlandsKarin M. Kettenring, Dennis F. WhighamWetlandsView Article2018NoClonality, Disturbance Dynamics, Phragmites Australis, Recruitment Limitation, Rhizomes, Seedlings
    Tidal Hydrology and Salinity Drives Salt Marsh Vegetation Restoration and Phragmites australis Control in New EnglandJennifer M. Karberg, Karen C. Beattie, Danielle I. O'Dell, Kelly A. OmandWetlandsView Article2018NoSalt Marsh Restoration, Tidal Restriction, Phragmites Australis, Tidal Restoration, Soil Salinity, Hydrology
    Why has Phragmites australis persisted in the increasingly saline Gippsland Lakes? A test of three competing hypothesesPaul I. Boon, Doug Frood, Alison Oates, Jim Reside, Neville RosengrenMarine and Freshwater ResearchView Article2018YesSalinity, Salt Tolerance, Shoreline, Biomass, Australia
    Can nutrient enrichment influence the invasion of Phragmites australis?Md Nazim Uddin, Randall William RobinsonScience of the Total EnvironmentView Article2018NoBiodiversity, Ecosystems, Nutrient enrichment, Phragmites australis, Plant invasion, Wetland
    Claviceps arundinis identification and its role in the die-back syndrome of Phragmites australispopulations in central ItalyM. Cerri, L. Reale, C. Moretti, R. Buonaurio, A. Coppi, V. Ferri, B. Foggi, D. Gigante, L. Lastrucci, M. Quaglia, R. Venanzoni, F. Ferranti Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant BiologyView Article2018YesAlkaloid, Claviceps, common reed, die-back, sclerotia, seed
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus modulates the phytotoxicity of Cd via combined responses of enzymes, thiolic compounds, and essential elements in the roots of Phragmites australisXiaochen Huang, Shishu Zhu, Shih-Hsin Ho, Li Wang, Fang MaChemosphereView Article2017YesCadmium Stress, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus, Enzymes, Thiolic Compounds, Principal Component Analysis, Phytotoxicity
    Biominerals and waxes of Calamagrostis epigejos and Phragmites australis leaves from post-industrial habitatsEwa Talik, Adam Guzik, Eugeniusz Malkowski, Gabriela Wozniak, Edyta SierkaProtoplasmaView Article2017NoCalamagrostis Epigejos, Phragmites Australis, Biomineralization, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Oxalate, Phytoliths, Mineralized Plant Waxes
    Changes associated with Phragmites australis invasion in plant community and soil properties: A study on three invaded communities in a wetland, Victoria, AustraliaMd N. Uddin, Randall W. RobinsonLimnologica Ecology and Management of Inland WatersView Article2017YesPlant Invasion, Biodiversity, Soil Properties, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Wetland
    Characterizing Past and Modelling Future Spread of Phragmites australis ssp. australis at Long Point Peninsula, Ontario, CanadaJennifer A. Jung, Daniel Rokitnicki-Wojcik, Jonathan D. MidwoodWetlandsView Article2017NoPhragmites, Spread, Spatial Anaylsis, Boosted, Regression Tree, National Wildlife Area
    Claviceps arundinis identification and its role in the die-back syndrome of Phragmites australis populations in central ItalyMartina Cerri, Francesco Ferranti, Andrea Coppi, Bruno Foggi, Daniela Gigante, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Andrea Onofri, Roberto Venanzoni, Daniele Viciani, Lara RealePlant BiosystemsView Article2017YesAlkaloid, Claviceps, Common Reed, Die-Back, Sclerotia, Seed
    Common reed (Phragmites australis) gall as the limiting nesting resource of rare wetland bees and wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata & Evanioidea) in Central EuropePetr Heneberg, Petr Bogusch, Pavlina Tauchmanova, Milan Aezac, Alena AstapenkovaEcological EngineeringView Article2017YesBiodiversity Conservation, Conservation Management, Mosaic Management, Reed Harvesting, Reed Cutting, Reed Expansion
    Cosmopolitan species as ecophysiological models for responses to global change: the common reed Phragmites australisFranziska Eller, Hana Skalova, Joshua S. Caplan, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Melissa K. Burger, James T. Cronin, Wen-Yong Guo, Xiao Guo, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Karin M. Kettenring, Carla Lambertini, Melissa K. McCormick, Laura A. Meyerson, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Petr Pysek, Brian K. Sorrell, Dennis F. Whigham, Hans BrixFrontiers in EcologyView Article2017NoAtmospheric Co2, Climate Change, Eutrophication, Global Distribution, Intraspecific Variation, Invasive Species, Salinity, Temperature, PSC
    Demographic and macro-morphological evidence for common reed dieback in central ItalyLorenzo Lastrucci, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Andrea Coppi, Bruno Foggi, Francesco Ferranti, Roberto VenanzoniPlant Ecology and DiversityView Article2017YesClumping, Macro-Morphological Traits, Mediterranean Basin, Permanent Flooding, Phragmites Australis, Wetlands
    Effect of harvest time and frequency on biomass quality and biomethane potential of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) under paludiculture conditionsFederico Dragoni, Vittoria Giannini, Giorgio Ragaglini, Enrico Bonari, Nicola SilvestriBioEnergy ResearchView Article2017NoBiogas, Anaerobic Digestion, Perennial Grasses, Fiber Components, Digestion Kinetics, Peatland Cultivation
    Effects of Warming on Invasive Phragmites australis and Native Spartina patens Seed Germination Rates and Implications for Response to Climate ChangeRose M. MartinNortheastern NaturalistView Article2017YesClimate Change, Germination Rate, Native Species
    Growth and physiology responses of Phragmites australis to combined drought-flooding condition in inland saline-alkaline marsh, Northeast ChinaBolong Wen, Xiaoyu Li, Fei Yang, Xinrui Lu, Xiujun Li, Fuyi YangEcological Engineering View Article2017YesPhragmites Australis, Saline-Alkaline Marsh, Combined Drought-Flooding, Photosynthesis, Biomass, Sodium Ions
    Identification of native and invasive subspecies of common reed (Phragmites australis) in Alberta, Canada, by RNase-H-dependent PCRKrista Zuzak, Yalong Yang, Nicole Kimmel, Michael Harding, David Feindel, Jie FengBotanyView Article2017YesRhpcr, Rflp, Haplotypes, Dna Polymorphism, Rnase-H-Dependent
    Impacts of Phragmites australis on Diamondback Terrapin nesting in Chesapeake BayCassandra E. Cook, Allison M. McCluskey, Randolph M. ChambersEstuaries and CoastsView Article2017YesDiamondback Terrapin, Invasive Species, Phragmites Autralis, Nesting
    Influences of different halophyte vegetation on soil microbial community at temperate salt marshDoongar R. Chaudhary, Jinhyun Kim, Hojeong KangMicrobial EcologyView Article2017YesEnzymes, Functional Gene Abundance, Microbial Community, Plfa, Salt Marsh
    Landscape-level strategies for conservation of imperiled freshwater turtlesChantel E MarkleMcMaster University graduate thesisView Article2017NoTurtle, Habitat Selection, Landscape, Conservation, Monitoring
    Lineage overwhelms environmental conditions in determining rhizosphere bacterial community structure in a cosmopolitan invasive plantJennifer L. Bowen, Patrick J. Kearns, Jarrett E. K. Byrnes, Sara Wigginton, Warwick J. Allen, Michael Greenwood, Khang Tran, Jennifer Yu, James T. Cronin, Laura A. MeyersonNature CommunicationsView Article2017NoBacterial Communities, Rhizosphere, Antimicrobial Biosynthesis, Phragmites Lineages, PSC
    Management of invasive Phragmites australis in the Adirondacks: a cautionary tale about prospects of eradicationBrendan Quirion, Zachary Simek, Andrea Davalos, Bernd BlosseyBiological InvasionsView Article2017NoAdirondacks, Eradication, Herbicide, Invasive Species, Management, Phragmites Australis
    Mapping the change of Phragmites australis live biomass in the lower Mississippi River Delta marshesElijah W. Ramsey, Amina RangoonwalaUS Geological Survey, 2017-1098View Article2017NoRemote Sensing, Vegetation Index, Biomass
    Metabolism of carbamazepine in plant roots and endophytic rhizobacteria isolated from Phragmites australisAndres Sauvetre, Robert May, Rudolf Harpaintner, Charlotte Poschenrieder, Peter SchroderJournal Hazardous MaterialsView Article2017YesEndophytic Bacteria, Hairy Roots, Glutathione Conjugate, Acridine Pathway, Phytoremediation
    Native and non-native halophytes resiliency against sea-level rise and saltwater intrusionLian Xue, Ziuzhen Li, Zhongzheng Yan, Qian Zhang, Wenhui Ding, Xing Huang, Bo Tian, Zhenming Ge, Qiuxiao YinHydrobiologiaView Article2017NoSalt Marsh, Macrophytes, Environmental Gradient, Salinty, Biomass, Global Changes
    Nitrogen species coupled with transpiration enhance Fe plaque assisted aquatic uranium removal via rhizofiltration of Phragmites australis Trin ex SteudWeiqing Wang, E. Gert DudelJournal of Environmental RadioactivityView Article2017YesRedox State, Biomass Partition, Nitrate, Ammonium, Areal Removal Rate
    Phenotypic Variation Among Invasive Phragmites australis Populations Does Not Influence Salinity ToleranceForest R. Schenck, Torrance C. Hanley, R. Edward Beighley, A. Randall HughesEstuaries and CoastsView Article2017NoCommon Garden, Ecosystem Engineer, Germination, Intraspecific Variation, Invasive Species, Salt Marsh
    Phragmites removal increases property values in Michigan's Lower Grand River watershedPaul Isely, Erik E. Nordman, Shaun Howard, Richard BowmanJournal of Ocean and Coastal EconomicsView Article2017NoCoastal, Economic Analysis, Removal, Cost, Treatement
    Prioritizing Management of the Invasive Grass Common Reed (Phragmites australis) in Great Salt Lake WetlandsA. Lexine Long, Karin M. Kettenring, Richard TothInvasive Plant Science and ManagementView Article2017NoInvasive Species Control, Species Distribution Modeling, Systematic Regional Planning, Wetland Management, Wetland Resoration, Wetlands
    Probabilistic neural network and wavelet transform for mapping of Phragmites australis using low altitude remote sensingLuan Casagrande, Gustavo Mello Machado, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Gray Turnage, Lee Hathcock, Robert MoorheadInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Xplore)View Article2017YesProbablistic Neural Networks, Wavelets, Image Texture Classification, Wetlands, Phragmites
    Responses of plant species diversity and soil physical-chemical-microbial properties to Phragmites australis invasion along a density gradientMD Nazim Uddin, Randall William RobinsonScientific Reports 7View Article2017NoCoastal Wetland, Soil, Mycorrhizal Potential, Species Richness, Diversity, Ecological Disruption, Phragmites Density
    Spatial and Temporal Variation in Brackish Wetland Seedbanks: Implications for Wetland Restoration Following Phragmites ControlEric L. G. Hazelton, Rebekah Downard, Karin M. Kettenring, Melissa K. McCormick, Dennis F. WhighamEstuaries and CoastsView Article2017NoInvasive Plant Removal, Seedbank, Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, Phragmites, Revegetation
    Surveying managers to inform a regionally relevant invasive Phragmites australis control research programC.B. Rohal, K.M. Kettenring, K. Sims, E.L.G. Hazelton, Z. MaJournal of Environmental ManagementView Article2017YesInvasive Species, Knowledge Co-Production, Knowing-Doing Gap, Phragmites Australis, Utah, Wetland Restoration
    The response of Phragmites to fluctuating subsurface water levels in constructed stormwater management systemsHans Martin Hanslin, Trond Maehlum, Arne SaeboEcological EngineeringView Article2017YesRooting Depth, Fluctuating Watertable, Biomass Allocation, Wetland Vegetation
    Unraveling the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on uptake, translocation, and distribution of cadmium in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex SteudXiaochen Huang, Li Wang, Shishu Zhu, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jieting Wu, Prasant K. Kalita, Fang MaEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyView Article2017YesRhizophagus Irregularis, Cd, Subcellular Distribution, Chemical Forms, Tem, Ftir
    Valuation of Biomaterial: Phragmites australis in the Retention of Metal-Complexed DyesAida Kesraoui, Asma Mabrouk, Mongi SeffenAmerican Journal of Environmental SciencesView Article2017NoLingo-Cellulosic Biomass, Phragmites Australis, Biosorption, Alpacide Blue, Modeling
    Vegetation recovery in an oil-impacted and burned Phragmites australis tidal freshwater marshScott Zengel, Jennifer Weaver, Susan L. Wilder, Jeff Dauzat, Chris Sanfilippo, Martin S. Miles, Kyle Jellison, Paige Doelling, Adam Davis, Barret K. Fortier, James Harris, James Panaccione, Steven Wall, Zachary NixonaScience of the Total EnvironmentView Article2017YesPhragmites Australis, Sagittaria Spp., Tidal Freshwater Marsh, Oil Spill, In-Situ Burning, Ecological Recovery, Scale Insect Damage
    Vertical distribution characteristics of photosynthetic parameters for Phragmites australis in Liaohe River Delta wetland, ChinaWenying Yu, Ruipeng Ji, Qingyu Jia, Rui Feng, Jinwen Wu, Yushu ZhangJournal of Freshwater EcologyView Article2017NoWetland, Photosynthetic Parameters, Light Response, Simulation, Phragmites Australis
    Fungal endophytes from seeds of invasive, non-native Phragmites australis and their potential role in germination and seedling growthZackery R. C. Shearin, Matthew Filipek, Rushvi Desai, Wesley A. Bickford, Kurt P. Kowalski, Keith ClayPlant and SoilView Article2017YesEndophytes, Fungus, Seedlings, Germination, Sequencing
    Role of allelopathy of Phragmites australis in its invasion processesMd Nazim Uddin, Randall William Robinson, Andrew Buultjens, Md Abdullah Yousuf Al Harun, Shahana Haque Shampa.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and EcologyView Article2017NoAllelopathy, Invasion, Phenolics, Soil biota
    Disease protection and allelopathic interactions of seed-transmitted endophytic pseudomonads of invasive reed grass (Phragmites australis)James F. White, Kathryn I. Kingsley, Kurt P. Kowalski, Ivelisse Irizarry, April Micci, Marcos A. Soares, and Marshall S. BergenPlant and soil View Article2017YesBioherbicide, Ecosystem engineering, Microbiome, Phragmites, Pseudomonas, Reactive oxygen, Rhizophagy, Symbiosis
    The impacts of above- and belowground plant input on soil microbiota: Invasive Spartina alterniflora versus native Phragmites australisPei Zhang, Deborah A. Neher, Bo Li, Jihua WuEcosystemsView Article2017Yesaboveground–belowground interactions, exotic plants, litter input, living root input, microbial PLFAs, nematodes, saltmarsh
    Prioritizing management of the invasive grass Common Reed (Phragmites australis) in Great Salt Lake wetlandsA. Lexine Long, Karin M. Kettenring, Richard Toth Invasive Plant Science and Management View Article2017NoInvasive Plant Science and Management, invasive species control, species distribution
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus modulates the phytotoxicity of Cd via combined responses of enzymes, thiolic compounds, and essential elements in the roots of Phragmites australisXiaochen Huang, Li Wang, Fang MaChemosphereView Article2017NoArbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Cadmium stress, Chemosphere, Enzyme, Phytotoxicity, Principal component analysis, Thiolic compounds
    Effects of warming on invasive Phragmites australis and native Spartina patens seed germination rates and implications for response to climate changeRose M. MartinNortheastern NaturalistView Article2017YesGermination, Climate change, Spartina
    Evaluation of the functional roles of fungal endophytes of Phragmites australis from high saline and low saline habitatsMarcos Antônio Soares, Hai-Yan Li, Kurt P. Kowalski, Marshall Bergen, Mónica S. Torres, James Francis WhiteBiological InvasionsView Article2016YesControl, Diversity, Fungal endophytes, Invasive, Wetlands
    Diversity of fungal endophytes in non-native Phragmites australis in the Great LakesKeith Clay, Zackery R. C. Shearin, Kimberly A. Bourke, Wesley A. Bickford, Kurt P. Kowalski Biological InvasionsView Article2016YesControl, Diversity, Fungal endophytes, Invasive, Wetlands
    Functional role of bacteria from invasive Phragmites australis in promotion of host growthM.A. Soares, H-Y. Li, K. P. Kowalski, M. Bergen, M. S. Torres, J. F. White Microbial EcologyView Article2016YesAchromobacter spanius, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Lipopeptide, Microbacterium oxydans, Plant growth promotion
    Emissions of biogenic sulfur gases (H2S, COS) from Phragmites australis coastal marsh in the Yellow River estuary of ChinaXinhua Li, Zhenlin Zhu, Liping Yang, Zhigao SunChinese Geographical ScienceView Article2016YesBiogenic sulfur gases, Hydrogen sulfide, Carbonyl sulfide, Emission flux, Phragmites australis, Coastal marsh
    Methanogenic activity of accumulated solids and gas emissions from planted and unplanted shallow horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlandsT. Carballeira, I. Ruiz, M. SotoEcological EngineeringView Article2016NoSubsurface flow, Constructed wetlands, Wetland depth, Plant species, Methane, Carbon dioxide, Greenhouse gases
    Phragmites management in high water: cutting plants under water limits biomass production, carbohydrate storage, and rhizome viability

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