Thursday, May 4th, 2pm- 3pm Eastern time

Webinar: Manual control of non-native Phragmites – effective options for small patches.

Presented by Lynn Short, Professor in Horticulture at Humber College, Ontario. 

This webinar will show you how to remove and control non-native Phragmites. Simple garden tools are used. The technique is easy for anyone to learn. No special prior qualifications required.  You can use what you learn in this webinar to control invasive Phragmites in locations where rare or valuable plant species are present and should be preserved, or where you aim to create the pre-requisite conditions that allow native plant regeneration, or where it is undesirable to use herbicides. The process offers a strategy for raising community awareness and fostering involvement in implementing effective control. The results of the research done by Lynn and her team during the summer of 2016 will be shared to demonstrate the effectiveness of this control method.


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