by boxcar-admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Blog
November 19, 2015 Shane Lishawa, Loyola University Chicago; Dennis Albert, Oregon State University; Beth Lawrence, University of Connecticut; Linda Sekura, Cleveland Museum of Natural History contractor Our collaborative team of researchers and restoration... Continue Reading
Filed under: biosolids Disposal Michigan Ohio Research wetlands
by boxcar-admin | Sep 16, 2015 | Blog
September 16, 2015Kimberly Bourke, U.S. Geological Survey, ContractorNon-native Phragmites australis dominates inland and coastal wetlands as well as other wet areas, such as roadside ditches, throughout the Great Lakes region. Management of non-native Phragmites... Continue Reading
Filed under: biosolids Disposal herbicide management prescribed fire Research U.S. Geological Survey
by boxcar-admin | Jun 24, 2014 | Blog
Stacy Schumacher, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources June, 2014 In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is working with a range of partner organizations and communities to revise guidance on the use of Phragmites reed beds to dewater treated... Continue Reading
Filed under: biosolids CISMA Department of Natural Resources monitoring Research Wisconsin
by boxcar-admin | Jan 29, 2014 | Blog
Tony Cortilet, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Laura Van Riper, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources January 2014 In 2013, non-native Pragmites became regulated as a Restricted Noxious Weed in Minnesota. This means that the importation, propagation, sale,... Continue Reading
Filed under: biosolids Department of Agriculture Department of Natural Resources Minnesota noxious weed restricted