by boxcar-admin | Jan 28, 2016 | Blog
January 28, 2016 Kevin Cronk, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Gradually and subtly, non-native Phragmites crept into Michigan’s Northern Lower Peninsula, under the radar of many local natural resource managers and residents. Staff at the Tip of the Mitt Watershed... Continue Reading
Filed under: Department of Natural Resources herbicide management Michigan native phragmites
by boxcar-admin | Oct 27, 2015 | Blog
October 27, 2015Nicole LaFleur, Greg Norwood, and Jake Bonello (USFWS)Non- native Phragmites is not a new concern in the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA): managers have been treating Phragmites and restoring habitats within... Continue Reading
Filed under: CISMA herbicide management Michigan TNC
by boxcar-admin | Sep 16, 2015 | Blog
September 16, 2015Kimberly Bourke, U.S. Geological Survey, ContractorNon-native Phragmites australis dominates inland and coastal wetlands as well as other wet areas, such as roadside ditches, throughout the Great Lakes region. Management of non-native Phragmites... Continue Reading
Filed under: biosolids Disposal herbicide management prescribed fire Research U.S. Geological Survey
by boxcar-admin | Jun 1, 2015 | Blog
June 1, 2015 Bob Williams, When I began invasive Phragmites management on my property about ten years ago, the only available advice for treatments came from government agencies treating large scale properties. It was great advice, based on decades of... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan volunteers
by boxcar-admin | May 26, 2015 | Blog
May 26, 2015 Bob Williams, The biggest problem I have encountered when trying to manage invasive Phragmites occurs after the first year of treatment, because the second and third years require more specific treatment. The first year is easy, because... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan
by boxcar-admin | May 18, 2015 | Blog
May 18, 2015 Bob Williams, Some people believe that cutting invasive Phragmites helps it grow because the stand looks healthier; you see green growth, the brown dead material is all gone and the stand looks stronger than ever. In actuality, research... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan
by boxcar-admin | Nov 24, 2014 | Blog
Kevin Walters, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – Water Resources Division Images from A Guide to the Control and Management of Invasive Phragmites November 2014 Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, in partnership with the Department of... Continue Reading
Filed under: Department of Natural Resources herbicide management Permits
by boxcar-admin | Aug 1, 2014 | Blog
Jennifer Thieme, Conservation Project Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy of Ohio Chris May, Director of Stewardship, The Nature Conservancy of Michigan Tara Baranowski, Lake Erie Coast and Islands Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy of Ohio August, 2014 The... Continue Reading
Filed under: CISMA herbicide management monitoring Ohio prescribed fire TNC
by boxcar-admin | May 16, 2014 | Blog
May 2014 Karen Adair, the Central Lake Erie Watersheds Project Manager at The Nature Conservancy in Ohio, develops projects to holistically manage invasive species in Northeast Ohio watersheds. She recently shared tips for “Successful Phragmites Control” in a... Continue Reading
Filed under: GLRI herbicide management MIPN Ohio prioritization TNC
by boxcar-admin | Oct 28, 2013 | Blog
Jason Hill, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. October 2013 For additional project information located on this site, click here. Now in our third year, partnership efforts continue to achieve success in controlling invasive Phragmites and educating the stakeholders of Northern... Continue Reading
Filed under: Department of Natural Resources Ducks Unlimited herbicide management Michigan monitoring partnerships