by boxcar-admin | Aug 31, 2016 | Blog
August 31, 2016 David Collins – Chair, City of St. Thomas Phragmites Control Committee The City of St. Thomas’ plan to be “Phrag Free by 2020” sure didn’t start out that way and definitely not with that objective. It all began with a group of neighbors... Continue Reading
Filed under: landowners management Ontario St. Thomas
by boxcar-admin | Jun 1, 2015 | Blog
June 1, 2015 Bob Williams, When I began invasive Phragmites management on my property about ten years ago, the only available advice for treatments came from government agencies treating large scale properties. It was great advice, based on decades of... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan volunteers
by boxcar-admin | May 26, 2015 | Blog
May 26, 2015 Bob Williams, The biggest problem I have encountered when trying to manage invasive Phragmites occurs after the first year of treatment, because the second and third years require more specific treatment. The first year is easy, because... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan
by boxcar-admin | May 18, 2015 | Blog
May 18, 2015 Bob Williams, Some people believe that cutting invasive Phragmites helps it grow because the stand looks healthier; you see green growth, the brown dead material is all gone and the stand looks stronger than ever. In actuality, research... Continue Reading
Filed under: herbicide landowners management Michigan
by boxcar-admin | May 4, 2015 | Blog
May 4 2015 Chuck Miller, Clay Township Phragmites Advisory Board Establishing a sustainable Phragmites management program depends on commitment from stakeholders. This commitment can be supported by helping stakeholders see the benefit of concerted action in their... Continue Reading
Filed under: funding landowners management Michigan partnerships Permits volunteers