Regional Cooperation: collaborating to manage the spread of Phragmites in Southeast Michigan
William Parkus, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments February 2015 Southeast Michigan’s natural resources are significant but are under siege from the aggressive Phragmites australis, which is infesting the landscape and threatening our recreation-based... Continue ReadingFiled under: CISMA management Michigan wetlands

Freshwater Wetlands: fertile grounds for the invasive Phragmites australis in a climate change context
Claude Lavoie, PHRAGMITES Research Group, Université Laval, Québec, CanadaJanuary 2015Climate warming will likely affect flooding regimes, which have a large influence on the functioning of riparian wetlands. Low water levels predicted for the St. Lawrence River... Continue ReadingFiled under: climate change management Research

Popular Phragmites Control Publication Updated
Kevin Walters, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – Water Resources Division Images from A Guide to the Control and Management of Invasive Phragmites November 2014 Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, in partnership with the Department of... Continue ReadingFiled under: Department of Natural Resources herbicide management Permits

Evaluating Efficacy of Phragmites Treatments on the Western Lake Erie Coastline
Jennifer Thieme, Conservation Project Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy of Ohio Chris May, Director of Stewardship, The Nature Conservancy of Michigan Tara Baranowski, Lake Erie Coast and Islands Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy of Ohio August, 2014 The... Continue ReadingFiled under: CISMA herbicide management monitoring Ohio prescribed fire TNC

Changes to State Guidance on the Use of Phragmites Reed Beds to Dewater Sludge in Wisconsin
Stacy Schumacher, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources June, 2014 In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is working with a range of partner organizations and communities to revise guidance on the use of Phragmites reed beds to dewater treated... Continue ReadingFiled under: biosolids CISMA Department of Natural Resources monitoring Research Wisconsin

Successful Phragmites Control in Northeast Ohio Watersheds
May 2014 Karen Adair, the Central Lake Erie Watersheds Project Manager at The Nature Conservancy in Ohio, develops projects to holistically manage invasive species in Northeast Ohio watersheds. She recently shared tips for “Successful Phragmites Control” in a... Continue ReadingFiled under: GLRI herbicide management MIPN Ohio prioritization TNC

Phragmites and Herpetofauna
Text by David Mifsud, Herpetological Resource and Management, LLC Photos by Herpetological Resource and Management, LLC, unless noted otherwise April, 2014 Reptiles and Amphibians – collectively, herpetofauna – are ecologically important groups that fill a... Continue ReadingFiled under: amphibians Department of Natural Resources habitat restoration management reptiles Research

Success Stories from the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network
Katie Grzesiak, Northwest Michigan Invasive Species NetworkMarch, 2014Northwest Michigan is facing habitat challenges from invasive Phragmites, just like much of the rest of the Great Lakes. The Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network (ISN) is working to control... Continue ReadingFiled under: CISMA EDRR management Michigan monitoring prioritization

Cooperative Weed Management Areas Collaborate to Manage Phragmites
Text by Kate Howe, Midwest Invasive Plant Network Photos by Susan MiHalo, Indiana Coastal CWMA February, 2014 Established Phragmites stands often cover many acres and cross property boundaries along lakeshores and in wetlands. Despite a land owner or natural... Continue ReadingFiled under: CISMA Indiana management Michigan MIPN Ohio partnerships TNC